7. Prayers and Proclamations

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Hermione was reading the book Draco had his mother purchase. The Rationale Behind the Ministry was frustratingly vague on several matters, largely things involving Quidditch. It was incredibly specific on others, including how the Wizarding War had begun against You-Know-Who over a decade ago- suffice to say, it involved manipulation of Ministry corruption.

Towards the end, en entire chapter explained the decision to enforce a marriage law in the younger population of pure-bloods. It was to prevent blood status based rivalry, mostly, though the concern for the reduction in the wizarding population, at least when compared to that of muggles, was genuine. England alone had over 48 million residents, less than 100,000 of whom were magical. Less than one per cent, Hermione calculated. Less than 0.25 per cent, even. England's population of magical people was third highest in the world, too, after the United States and China. No wonder they were worried about a reduction in population- the same amount of wizards were alive today as had been when the Ministry of Magic was first founded.

She was re-reading the chapter for the sixth time the morning that Harry Potter received his first ever package. This didn't bother her-she wasn't speaking to them after they dragged her into a forbidden corridor with a three-headed dog, but she refused to begrudge them their own happiness. Glancing up as they hurried out of the hall, she saw that it was long and thin, close to being longer than she was tall. She grimaced. Broom. Figures that Harry Potter would manage to get rewarded for breaking the rules.

Her annoyance faded when she saw a familiar blond leave his seat. "I'll see you in Charms," she told Neville, quickly collecting her things and walking as fast as she could towards the door. Maybe if she hurried, she could prevent a second Wizarding War.

"-Save up, twig by twig," Draco was sneering at Ron. Hermione almost groaned aloud at the frustrating repetitiveness of it all.

"Please tell me you're not fighting again," she snapped.

"What's it matter to you, know-it-all? Don't want your boyfriend getting beaten?"

"Oh, grow up, Ron. We're in the same House, in case you've forgotten. I don't have some ridiculous issue with you doing whatever you like to get yourself thrown out, but at least have the sense to do it where a teacher can't walk in at any moment and decide to punish all three of you! Honestly, you'd think you were raised in a barn!"

"What's that supposed to mean? You saying something about my family?" Ron stepped towards Hermione, trying to seem intimidating as he glared at her. She folded her arms to stand her ground, only to have Draco step in front of her and glare right back. At the same time, Harry grabbed Ron's arm to hold him back.

"Muggle expression. Means you've got bad manners," he said quickly. Hermione almost wanted to thank him, but was able to restrain herself when Professor Flitwick paused alongside them.

"I hope none of you are causing trouble again," he squeaked. Apparently, Poppy Pomfrey had let the entire body of staff know what had happened in the hospital wing. This was the dozenth time Hermione alone had heard it referenced, and she had no idea if Draco heard it just as much. If she had, she'd know that Slytherin students had started in on him regarding it, too. Apparently, the fact that the Malfoy name had let him choose, while everyone else had been assigned someone at random, was a big deal. He didn't see how-it wasn't like it was the first time he'd been provided with something no one else had.

"Potter's been sent a broomstick, Professor," Draco was quick to throw in, ignoring Hermione as she pinched him to try to make him stop talking.

"Yes, yes, that's right. Professor McGonagall told me all about the special circumstances, Mister Potter. And what model is it?"

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