Betrayal. ash's pov

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On the very top of Mt.moon stood a 6'4 tall boy no not a boy a man.After what he has been threw a man. Some may even call him a demon but he dose not care what they call him. The only thing he wants is to be feared. And that is exactly what he got. People call him Red but his real name is Ash ketchum.He was betrayed at 10 years old even though that was 7 years ago he will never let it go and he swore on the day they betrayed him he will have his revenge. Out of know where his most loyal pokemon spoke.
"Master there is a messenger pidgey coming what should I do" it said.
"Leave it darkria " I said to my most loyal pokemon.
"You still thinking about that day master" he said.
"Yes" I replied in a dark and cold voice.
I was walking home from losing the kalos league. When I reached my house I had I gut dealing that somthing bad was about to happen. So I prepared for the worst to come. So when I opened the door I saw at the time a plesent suprise but now I look back at it as hell. When I walked in I saw all my friends there and my rivals. They all had a angry face on but then I saw it when I went to put my stuff up in my room. I noticed pikachu was no longer on my shoulder but at the time I just though nothing of it. But then I saw darkria and mewtwo (Now may best friends) in my room. I got scared at the time. But all of sudden I saw my door open and in came every one at the time then I saw it pikachu on max's shoulder. And got angry at the sight but before I could say any thing misty spoke.
"Give up your dream ash" she demanded.
All I could get out was "huh?"
Then Gary spoke "you herd what she said give up your dream" like misty did he demanded.
For some reason then I started to laugh. That freaked them out.
So my 'mom' slapped me and I started to laugh even creapyer then my body started to ingulped in red aura.
    "What are you" she said not to me but it darkria (# fazepokemon) and mewtwo. By the looks on there my "friends' faces I would say they were creed out like how I was. But I smiled at the though of fear going threw there body at that very moment then mewtwo spoke
     "Me and darkria are here to go with are new master(ash) and whoever dares talk like this to are master we shall punish them mewtwo said though telipathic. At this darkria smiled. But I spoke up.
     "Mewtwo darkria why give them a small scare when we can give them a big scare. We don't do it this time but when we return" I spoke.
"Fine with us both" Said mewtwo.
   "To the lad" I cammanded bet then.
   "Why to scared to fight us"  Said drew with that u wasted no time to fire a dark red aura sphere at him.
Me,mewtwo and darkria smiled at this and walked away towards the lad but when we got there my pokemon(all of them) betrayed me so I asked mewtwo to teliport us and he did to Mt.moon of all of the places.

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