Chapter 2

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Louis rolled his eyes as he tried to block away Harry's nagging. It hasn't even been ten minutes since he stepped inside his house that Harry began ranting. He was currently sitting on their white sofa while Harry pace around in front of him.

"I know we didn't choose each other, but can we at least try to make this work?"

"Everything seems to be working fine until you started nagging." Louis said with a bored expression.

Harry glared at him, "How the hell is everything working 'fine', Louis?"

"I mind my own business, you mind your own. Simple as that." Louis said while looking at his nails.

"Louis, that's not how marriages work." Harry sighed.

"Look, as long as our businesses are running great, I don't really care." Louis shrugged, "Can I go to sleep now?"

"Are you really this heartless?" Harry asked softly while looking down.

"If I'm forced to do something I don't like, then I fucking show that I hate it." Louis said firmly, "You can't just let everyone get their way, Harry, they'll take advantage of you."

"I'm just respecting their decision." Harry crossed his arms, "And I'm sure your parents will be happy if you do too."

"I lost my respect to them when they started trying to control my life, hell, they're barely even parents to Zayn and I! I could care less about their happiness to be honest." Louis glared at him, "I don't really like talking about them, I'm going to sleep."

Harry just watched his supposedly husband walk away. He really wanted to make this work and be happy, but Louis' being a huge asshole. It was his parents decision, and his parents just wants the best for him so he wants to trust it.

The curly haired just sighed before deciding to go to bed as well. At least Louis lets them share a room, even if he really stay at the corner of the bed, as far away from Harry as the size of the bed allows him.

'If only Louis' as sweet as the cute blonde guy earlier.' Harry thought as he walks to their room.


"Yes... yeah, I'm fine, Li." Zayn said through the phone, "You don't have to worry about me. Is everything alright there though?"

"Yeah, babe, they're a little hard to impress though, but I'm sure I'll win them over."

"That's good." Zayn yawned before burying his face on the pillow, smiling when his nose smelled a hint of Louis' scent.

"Yeah... I can't wait to come home to you." Zayn can feel Liam's smile from the other line.

"Yeah... me too..." Zayn lied before sighing.

"Have you thought about it, Z?"

"About what?" Zayn bit his lips nervously as he knew what Liam is talking about.

"You know... our own little family..."

Zayn's heart dropped, Liam has been bugging him about having kids lately and Zayn's about to go crazy about it. The raven haired wouldn't mind having kids, but as long as it'll be someone's that Zayn love.

Even if Liam has been nothing but be a sweet husband to Zayn, it didn't win the raven haired over. No one could make Zayn feel warm and fuzzy all over than Louis.

Having kids would ruin that. If he ever got pregnant with Liam's child, it'll be over for him and Louis.

That's why Zayn has always been on his pill every time his husband is around. He would also make Liam wear protection. Liam hates it and doesn't understand why, Zayn just use the excuse of how annoying it is to clean up after.

"I'm not ready yet, Li." Zayn sighed slowly, "Can't we just wait a little longer? Don't you want to like enjoy our quiet time together? Having kids would change that." Zayn tried to persuade Liam, "It'll take too much of our time, and I'm just not ready for a big responsibility yet."

Zayn hears Liam's disappointed sigh, "Yeah... I suppose you're right, it hasn't even been a year since we got married."

"Yeah, the time will come." Zayn shrugged, not really sincere with the promise.

"Okay... well, go to sleep, Z. Goodnight. I love you."

"Night. Love you too." Zayn said before hanging up.

He huffed before groaning, "Louis won't be happy when he learns about Liam's plan of having kids."

Zayn shuffles around the bed trying to find a more comfortable place, he's not used to sleeping alone much so it's not a surprised he's struggling to fall asleep.

He ended up wrapping himself around the blanket and cuddling their huge pillow. Zayn imagined it was his lover, the scent lingering in the object helped him, and soon he finally fell asleep.


Zayn's morning started with him waking up to a pleasing sensation on his neck. He moaned and slowly opened his eyes. He was on his stomach, and he feels someone on his back, peppering his neck with kisses. Soon those kissed started trailing down his spine, and there's only one person who wakes him up like this.

"Louis." Zayn chuckles softly, moaning when he felt Louis' nibbles.

"Morning, love." Louis went back on nibbling on his neck.

"What time is it...???" Zayn lazily moaned.

"Around 7:30AM." Louis answered before laying beside him, "Went here as soon as possible."

"So early... what did Harry say...???"

"He went out cause there seems to be an emergency in one of his bakery." Louis yawned before pulling Zayn closer for a morning cuddle session, "So I drove here as soon as possible. I feel so guilty leaving you here last night."

"You better be, I hate sleeping alone." Zayn huffed before sinking in the cuddle.

"Yeah, yeah, I made us some breakfast downstairs, and I also got my work stuff here so we can spend the time together." Louis chuckled.

"How is you working 'spending time together'? Shower me with attention!" Zayn huffed as he sat up, crossing his arms and pouting at Louis.

Louis can't help but laugh, "I don't know, I really like it when you try anything to get my attention. You giving me a blowjob under my desk was my favorite so far. Love your creative ideas, baby."

Zayn laughs, "Yeah, well I got a lot in store for you." he smirked as he trace his finger on Louis' chest.

"Yeah? Wanna give me a little sneak peak?" Louis grinned.

"Nope!" Zayn said popping the 'p' before getting off the bed and pulling Louis, "Let's eat breakfast, Lou! I'm hungry!"

Louis chuckled, "Fine, fine, let's go. I made your favorite."

"Yeah? Is it burnt to hell too?" Zayn teased before dragging Louis downstairs.

"That was ONE time!"

So Wrong Yet So Right [Zouis Talik] [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now