The Arrival

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It was a cold winter night when a mom dropped off her two kids at their grandmother's house. "Have a good time and I'll be back tomorrow to come get you" said the mom in the sweetest voice. Grace and Arnold got their bags out the car. Before Grace got too far, Grace's mother called to her "Take good care of your baby brother for me. Grandmother really doesn't have a social life so it might be strange at first but then you'll get use to her".

Grace didn't really know what she meant but said okay in a small voice. They waved goodbye to their mother and she waved back smiling. Grace thought she saw a tear roll down her mother's cheek but she drove off before she could question her reasons for crying.

Once she was a little ways down the road, Arnold grabbed Graces arm and tugged her to the house saying "Let's go, let's go". He was trying to get inside as fast as he could since he's never met his grandmother. Grace was the same but she could hide her excitement. When they were in front they looked up see this big old gray house that looked like something straight out of a horror movie.

They gave each other questionable looks before starting their way up to the creaking steps in front of the big red door. Grace rang the doorbell that had the strangest and loudest song she ever heard, but no one answered. The second time she did it the door open ever so slightly, sending an odd bone chilling voice to answered in a hushed whisper "Come in my dears, come in". No one was there making Grace and Arnold puzzled on how it had opened.

They looked at each other with fear in both of their eyes, before stepping in. After they made it fully in, the door slammed shut and locked itself making Arnold and Grace Jump doing a 180 while in the air. They looked at the door to see what the cause of it slamming shut like that was. But then the two hear a strange noise behind them.

Arnold turned around to see a mysterious figure submerge from the dark shadows within and he didn't like it one bit. He tugged on Graces sleeve to show her but she said let go in an annoyed voice, still trying to figure out what was up with this door. Arnold kept tugging until she turned around, but when she finally did she had a look of horror on her face. The mysterious figure said "Hello my dears" in a quiet nerve raking voice giving the two a shiver to the spine.

"Gr-Gr-Grandma, is that you?" Arnold and Grace asked simultaneously in a scared shaky voice. The figure just stood there silently before coming out of the shadows and finally stepped out into the little light they had. Grace and Arnold saw that it was Grandma after all but still were shaken up a bit.

"Don't be scared, come here and give me a hug" Grandma said in a reassuring voice calming them down a bit more. They walked over and gave her a hug, but while doing that Grace thought she saw Grandma just sniffed them. She tried to pull away but Grandma was a lot stronger then she looked.

When she finally let them go she said something that made Arnolds eye light up. " Well dinner should be done in about 30 minutes so go upstairs and get well washed up" with a blood thirsty smile and a hushed chuckle at the end. Grace caught that chuckle and smile but just brushed it off.

Arnold started up the stairs first but was followed by Grace while Grandma went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Arnold got the room closes to the stairs while Grace got the on right next to him.

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