Chapter 4 part 8 (FINAL) 1.

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Hide by the trees we are waiting the Joey's Family. They are coming. Joey stops and moves his head to means that the battle starts. Here we go! Everyone runs and take the people, throw them, bite them and fight with them. It's horrible. Some persons use their vampire's power. Blood is everywere oh my god! I'm hungry now. The Joey's aunt try to punch my face but I make her falling down. Jewis fights Joey. Liam fights the Joey's sister. I run to help Niall and Louis, they try to punch the Joey's grandad's face. I make him collapse and Niall and Louis punch him. I run between the hundred trees, searching one person. Her blond hair doesn't appear in my field of vision. I slow and walk. I stop and walk again. Her perfect eyes are not here. Her perfect body isn't here. SHE IS NOT HERE!! I run, I stop, I walk, I stop. I can't decide; searching one clue, there are so many people, avoiding the kicks and knocks. Where is she?! I want to see her smile, telling me everything is okay. I want to make a U-turn to see If she's further away, I hear a noise, a scream. My heart hurts. It is her voice? Jewis appears next to me.

"Did you see Abby?" I say anxious. My throat hurts.

"No, maybe she stayed further away. I love you. I'm going to help the others, take care of yourself." He says back.

He kisses my cheek and runs away. I'm shaking. I walk, it's hard to breath. My look is everywhere, I look at the floor, the sky, the trees. I touch the ground trying to find her, I stand up and I continue to walk as always. I'm not okay. I AM NOT OKAY! WHERE IS SHE DAMN?!!! I start to cry, little tears. I can't move.

Louis comes and tell me that the battle is finshed. We did it. We won. Some persons are injured, having some tooth traces of vampires, some persons have blood at their face, leg, arm, feet, and more. Louis makes a big smile, but I can't smile back. Niall find us, making a sad face.

"Guys.." He said, searching his words. "You need to see this..."

We follow him taking the way to home like a good part of our family. We see a circle of persons in front of a tree. We can't see what they see but they look at the floor. We come closer but Liam stops me.

"Jasmine. You shouldn't see this. Please."

"What?" I ask.

I walk slowly.

"What?!" I repeat.

He tries to stop me but I push his arm and come closer..

Laying in the floor of leafs, Abby has blood in her t-shirt, in her chest. BLOOD.BLOOD.BLOOD. The world stops. My head burns. My hands shake. My body is on fire. I am falling in front of her, holding her head with my left hand, holding her perfect blond hair with the right hand. Noooo!! WHY THE WORLD IS SO CRUEL. I can't see the other faces just her. I will never hug her again, I will never talk her about my drama and my happiness. She will never be here. She was so young. My cousin, my sister. I look her face crying like baby.

"I'm sorry" My father tells me. "She was killed by the Joey's mother before we killed her."

"We need to bring her, now. C'mon Jasmine, stand up." Niall says, slowly.

He puts hands on my shoulders to stand me up.

"No!" I shout out. "No!!"

I try to push him but he holds me and bring me away from here. I cry all my tears, screaming and burning.

___  ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
hey xx What's up?

Wow last part here! I will post the Final  part (2), the end soon :)


Thanks again to showed me love and support for this story. I love you all

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