"You're not Scared of me?"

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Natasha POV

Paris was fairly crowded. But what's new.
I had been here multiple accounts, most cases being a mission assigned by Fury.

I was fairly surprised when he asked me to go after a Inhuman.

The task force usually dealt with Inhumans. I never did. Strange.

I pulled my hood up and pushed my sunglasses up. I got up and started walking toward the Palais-Royal. A palace located near the Eiffel Tower.

The comforting weight of my pistol lay in my waistband. The cold metal shifted against my skin as I walked up the stairs to the Palais-Royal.

I walked through security without a problem and headed for the elevator. I slid my fake id card through the scanner and the doors slid open. I pressed the button for the lowest floor.

As the elevator went down, I pulled out a special bullet from my shoe. It was laced with a poison that stopped Inhumans from working their powers. I only had one bullet. So I couldn't miss.

The elevator doors clicked open and I slunk around the corner, my back to the wall. I slipped my sunglasses off and laid them on the ground.

A girl was sitting on a wooden chair, her back to me, she was scribbling something in a notebook. My heart jumped when I recognized her (y/h/c) hair.

"Y/N?" I whispered. She spun out of her chair, it toppled backwards. Her (y/e/c) eyes were wide with fear. She raised her hands and a blue energy force seemed to come out, like smoke.

"Natasha?" She asked. "Why are you pointing your gun at me?" Her voice quivered a bit.

"Y/N, what happened to you?" I asked. She looked down at her hands.

"After you left SHIELD, I was the closest to you, so HYDRA took me." She said. I moved my arm to lower my gun and she flinched.

"It's alright." I said soothingly. I set the gun down on the ground and walked toward her.

Just then the door flung open and a man came in. He stopped when he saw us. He reached back to pull out his gun but Y/N stepped forward and extended her right arm. She moved her fingers and the guy's hand twisted and he dropped the gun. I heard the snap of a bone. Y/N pulled her arm in and the guy clutched at his chest. It was like she was pulling his heart out. She then snapped her arm inward, making a fist motion. The guy dropped to the ground, hands still clutched over his chest.

"What did you do?" I said.

"I crushed his heart." Y/N said and sat down on the ground. The door opened again. The other guard didn't even get a chance. I dove for him. I spun around and kicked him in the side of the head. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his neck and flung him over my shoulder. He landed on the ground with a crash(Classic Natasha move hee sorry). Unconscious.

I sat down next to Y/N.

I had worked with her in SHEILD. We had grown really close, to the point of it growing beyond "just friends".

And SHIELD fell, I left, and I had tried to put Y/N behind me.

Fury planned this.

I took her face in my hands gently. Her fingers were still producing still sparks of blue energy. I moved her hair from her face.

"You're not scared of me?" She whispered, voice cracking.

"Never." I said back and gently kissed her. She stiffened a bit and her hands clenched. Then she relaxed and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She fit perfectly with me. I broke away after at least fifteen seconds. She smiled lightly. "I've wanted to do that for a really long time." I said.

"I've wanted you to do that for a long time." She said. I slipped off my brown leather jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Let's go home." 

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