Chapter 7

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     I brought my luggage back into my car and kissed Eden goodbye. I was doing this for the both of us. I didn't even know where to look so I just kept playing the video cam on my computer.

  "I am so scared after the whole falling I thought I would have DIED!"    *sobs*

I watched the tape forwards, backwards and yet I started to believe we weren't suppose to watch this. I threw the computer and slammed my fist to the steering wheel. Frustrations circulated my body. I wanted Hazel, I needed Hazel. That is when I had an idea. During the whole entire video Hazel was watching me without fail!. I knew she was there wrapped in the shadows. I started driving off into the town until I reached a tall skyscraper. Glass panels surrounded the building and in the back a black ladder stretched towards the roof. After 10 minutes I was on the top. Wind pulled and pushed on me. Scraping my face with cold metal weapon. I slowly walked to the edge. If Hazel was here she would not let me die? Right?. I started tilting my body adrenaline pumped as I was waiting for that tug. Was she gunna really save me? Or let me fall?

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