Love and obligation

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I walked the halls of Drakon High with slight excitement running through my veins. I was heading to gym class after a super, terrible, awful, long day. Not that gym was really that much a relief, but it was my one class with Jake and honestly, he just made the day better.

I practically shoved into that gym door, almost ramming into that idiota, Brooke. "Ugh watch where you're going!" Poor Bitch. Probably upset that her orange foundation was blotchy. Nope, not even Brooke could ruin my mood.

I slipped through the door to the guys locker room trying to look like I hadn't just bolted over here.

I looked for the hair first, the perfect blond hair that was so captivating, and short, and just swayed the slightest bit to the right. However, the first thing I saw wasn't his hair, it was more like his abs.

"Hey Ryan," he called over to me as I quickly pulled my eyes up before he could notice. "Hey Jake." I smiled big, but bit it back slightly, resulting in what I hoped was a sexy lip bite. He pulled a shirt on, much to my displeasure and waited for me while I changed into my gym clothes. God he was so confident in his image, but then again, who wouldn't be with a body like that.

We walked back to the gym together, our fingertips brushing ever so slightly as we swung our arms. He was about a foot shorter than me, he was my best friend. Yeah, I was pretty sure anyway.

Okay so, maybe I didn't always get the greatest grades in gym. Maybe it was because I wasn't any good. Maybe it was just that I spent so much time staring at Jake. Who knows?

We were deep in a game of what was meant to be watered down dodgeball. By that, I mean the teachers think it's safer. They're dead wrong. Teachers think that just because they say you'll get a penalty for hitting someone in the head they'll keep it below the neck. Again, they're dead wrong.

Two seconds after I hit a cocky jerk in the chest, I heard him laugh. That deep, distracting, beautiful laugh he had. I turned my head sharply looking directly at him. His eyes were lit up happily. How did his teeth ever get so perfect and white?


The room spun. I felt my head hit something hard, I think it was the floor. The room faded.


I woke up to somewhat blurry, worried, blue eyes. It took a minute for me to regain full vision, that didn't make his eyes look like two pools.

"Hey," I cleared my throat trying to sit up.

"Hey," he smiled back. Pain immediately shot through my head.

"Hey, hey lay back down. You hit your head really hard." I slid back down to a laying position in hopes that the room would stop turning.

"What exactly happened," somewhat embarrassed. As much as I could remember, I got hit in the head and went down... in gym... where everyone could see me. Jakes eyes lit up, an amused smirk pulling his lips apart.

"After you nailed that jerk in the chest with that killer arm of yours," alright I was feeling a little bit better now, "He picked up a freaking soccer ball and kicked it at your head.

"He looked a little more angry at this point. Still pretty embarrassing. "Then you hit your head on the floor."

"Oh don't worry, I almost killed him." I grinned,

"You got detention didn't you?"

"After school," he grinned back.

"I also might have snapped at the teacher a bit," he admitted. I cracked up. He never could hold his tongue.

"Wait wait, so what are you doing in here," I asked in a slightly confused tone, "You're punishment isn't sitting with me in the nurses office is it?"

The nurse rounded the corner and peered over at me.

"Oh good you're awake." She walked over to me with one of those flashlights you see in those movies when someone's been in a car accident.

"Just let me check and see if you have a concussion." Jake sat quietly, probably planning a murder, while she checked my eye dilation. My eyes strayed slightly to his expression, until the nurse snapped bringing me back to the flashlight.

"Well you look fine. You can lie in here for awhile while I call your parents." Nope.

"You really don't have to call them. I'm sure I'll be fine. I just hit my head a bit." She looked at me skeptically, obviously disliking my answer.

"Help me up Jake." He got up and slid an arm under mine, helping me to my feet.

"I'm sure I can make it to the rest of my classes." I assured her. Jake looked worried, but he helped my walk to my next class.

"You know you really shouldn't be going to class like that," he muttered to me.

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey," he got that sly look in his eye, "How about we skip class?" I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Sure Jake."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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