Chapter One-Nothing like this before

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 Ash always knew he would grow up to be a detective. From the age of 9 to be exact. Ash's father was also a detective himself, and Ash had always been inspired by him. Then, something happened that almost forced him to become one anyways. A girl who happened to be the same age as him went missing. The small town was shocked, but assumed she had gotten lost or decided for some strange reason to run away. Crime wasn't that big of a deal in his local town of Bradburg. His father, who worked in New York, was never worried about anything bad happening where Bradburg, that's why he put Ash and his mother there. 

 That all changed when they found out Susie Treymen hadn't gotten home that afternoon. Their parents, who were very worried about her, told the local police about their discovery, and a search party was formed. For two days and two nights, they searched the entire area. Until something horrible happened. Ash was told by his mother to bring the Treymen's some of her home-made cookies to ease their worries. Ash rode his bike to the Treymen's house, which was only about a block away, and noticed something odd on the porch.

 A light pink carefully wrapped box, covered in a menacingly huge bow, was just sitting next to the doorway. At first, he didn't think much of it. A neighbor or someone else from the town probably gave them a gift just like he was doing. He noticed a note poking out under the bow. As he got closer to the porch, he noticed the smell of rotting flesh. He gagged at this. As he neared the box, he set the cookies down and grabbed the note. There was a truly despicable message that made Ash regret ever going near the Treyman's house that day.

               "This is for Annie and Ian Treymen. Thank you so much for letting me use her, after all, she tasted amazing. It was hard to make her fit in this box, but it was worth it, so the least I can do is give her back to you. -S"

Ash should never have opened the lid-he should never have seen Susie's dismembered, rotting, and torn corpse-and he should never have went to the house in the first place, but he did. He regretted it so much. He screamed in absolute terror and ran as fast as he could. He could barely feel his legs as he ran, trying to clear his head, trying to breathe, trying to think. He couldn't. He was near the police station and through his clouded head, he decided to run towards it. When he got inside, he was sobbing and hyperventilating. The police couldn't understand him until his mother arrived. She hugged him tightly and asked what happened.

 Finally, he spoke. In a mumbled, breathy tone, he said "I found Susie." 

That changed that town forever.

 The police went to the Treymen's house, finding nobody to be home, but the pink now opened box containing Susie's body was definitely there. When the Treymen's found out, they were hysterical. While the box was delivered they were out looking for Susie, hopeful that she was well and alive among the woods.  Ash only found out the information when he talked to the Treymen's a year later. Ian Treymen had went insane, although this wasn't shocking to anyone. His nine year old daughter had been murdered among other things and then a month later his wife killed herself. The police got over 20 calls about disturbance on the street Ian lived on. When the police came, they found Ian screaming his daughter and wife's name begging them to come back.

 As Ash heard from one of his classmates, who's father was a cop, Ian was screaming details about Susie's death. "You've got to believe me! It wasn't me!" He shouted, "It wasn't me, I promise it wasn't! It was it!" Nobody saw Ian after that. Apparently, the police tried questioning him and holding him as suspect. They discovered from multiple neighbors that Ian was at home with his wife helping make dinner, and that they never saw Susie return home during that time. A local police officer questioned teachers and students. The last time anyone saw Susie was near the the school, on her way home. The police had him taken to a mental hospital and no one has heard from him since. 

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