The New Friend

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         "So on account of Cedric retiring, you're going to be given one of his previous clients." The head of dream making spoke, handing a file to Evangeline. "However this client was a difficult one for even an experienced dream maker such as Cedric." His tone lightened a little with an upward twist of one side of his mouth to form a light smile. "But I have no doubt you'll be able to handle this one. You're one of the finest dream makers I've encountered in all my career." He praised. Evangeline smiled brightly, excited to accept this offer and the praise from her superior. She beamed, "I won't let you down!" He smiled before exiting through the door of her small lab filled with various potions and ingredients.

The girl brushed her white hair off her shoulder, and opened the folder to skim along the lines. Semyaza Chambers, black hair, white eyes, major depressive, usually sits at the broken down fountain on the weird side of town. She also noticed in his photo that he had symbols on his face. Were they carved? Something caught her eye as well. "Forgotten angel." She mumbled. She'd heard of forgotten angels but she'd never encountered one. She didn't know much about them, much less she didn't know they slept or even had dreams. Forgotten angels were angels that were lost from biblical text, so humans held no knowledge of them and they were eventually forgotten. Due to this they're usually very melancholy and lonely.

Evangeline felt bad for Semyaza, she figured that she could make a good dream for him to cheer him up. She smiled with this thought in mind, and looked down to his likes and dislikes. Likes: Quiet and companions. Dislikes: Noise and being alone. She bit her lip. They were just an antithesis of each other which didn't help much, but it left room to wiggle. Evangeline breathed slowly, placing the file on her work table and lowering her goggles. She turned to her containers of various tonics used to make dreams. She had an idea of the perfect dream that Semyaza would definitely love.

Cautiously selecting a base which gave a sense of security and acceptance, she meticulously thought over what ingredients to add. Making dreams was a lot like writing a song or painting a picture; a sprinkle of lilac can associate love, some jasmine for appreciation. Each element adds a delicate flare to the dream that can make it into the most whimsical and surreal experience, or it can be too much and make a disturbing nightmare. Evangeline didn't make many nightmares. She used to accidentally make them when she was only a beginner, she cringed as she thought of the physical pain she felt when the nightmare had been inflicted on the sleeping client. Her hair turned black during those days and she had to mend herself back into good spirits. She swirled the blue liquid around in it's tube when she was sure it was perfect. Looking outside at the sunset, she knew it was nearly time to make her rounds.

She went to the houses of her clients and gave them their dreams as they slept with content smiles. Dreams of love, of family, of life goals coming true and many more filled their heads. Evangeline neared the home of the forgotten angel. The structure in question was shrouded in the darkness of the trees which kind of suited the owner. Evangeline adjusted her holster which carefully cradled the potion bottles and hiked up to the window, carefully peering inside. She could see no lights were on and there was no movement, so she quietly climbed through the window. She nearly jumped when she saw Semyaza's sleeping form next to her. She could make out the outline of his dark form, his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. He didn't move a lot in his sleep or make any noise, he just laid perfectly still in his position. Evangeline knew it was because he wasn't dreaming and withdrew the bottle from her hostler, taking the cork out of the top. A sweet smell filled the room as Evangeline neared the angel's bedside. She found that his mouth was slightly ajar and carefully poured the contents of the bottle into his mouth. He stirred slightly as Evangeline recapped the container, she knew the dream was taking effect. Her hair sparkled in it's brilliant white shade, signaling that the dream would be a good one. She smiled, hoping he would like it.

In the dream Semyaza was laying on the ground in the woods surrounding his home. He sat up and looked around to observe where he was. "Hi there." A sweet voice pulled his attention away from the trees and to a small woman with striking, long white hair. She held a friendly smile on her pale face. "Who're you?" He mumbled, looking her over. She didn't miss a beat, "I'm Evangeline, but people usually call me Eva." She explained. Eva pointed to the spot next to him. "May I sit with you?" She asked. Semyaza followed her finger to the spot and shrugged a little. "I guess." He replied. Eva smiled bigger and sat next to him, her long skirt ruffling under her. "So," She began, a gentle breeze cascading through her hair. Semyaza looked at her, only then did he realize how bright of a blue her eyes were. He also noticed markings on her face that looked like flowers, but they were very faint and nearly blended with her skin tone. "You live out here by yourself?" She asked. Semyaza nodded and decided to save his words. She held a worried expression. "Doesn't it get lonely out here?" She asked, looking around at the trees, sensing how the area made her feel small and alone. Semyaza shrugged once more, "It's not anything I'm not used to." Eva looked at him. "You're used to being alone? Why?" The fact that she looked genuinely concerned shocked Semyaza a little. He found his words after a moment. "Ever since my name was lost from biblical text, no one's even known of my existence." He explained, his gaze downcast to avoid her concerned look. 'Why the hell does she even care?' He asked himself, he wasn't used to anyone caring, much less even talking to him. He flinched away when he felt something on his arm, he looked up and found it was just Eva's hand. She retracted her hand as if she was scared to hurt him. "I'm sorry." She said softly. Semyaza shook his head, he didn't want her pity even if she was a figment of fantasy . Eva moved her head so she could catch his gaze. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to be your friend." She offered. Semyaza didn't see the point in it, but was taken back by her next statement. "I won't forget you."

Semyaza awoke in his room. Slivers of sunlight found their way into his room, illuminating parts of the space. Semyaza sat up and looked around, but this time he didn't see a white haired young woman with the skies trapped in her blue eyes. He was alone. He didn't realize the tears until they were already trailing down his darkened face. He thought he really had a friend, but it was only a dream.

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