Chapter Six

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Okay everyone sorry for not updated I was watching D Gray Man and trying to beat Odin Sphere I'm going to post chapter six nowand then I'm going to wait until I beatthe game to see what the ending is going to be about okay. xD

With Princess Satomi and Arashi

Princess Satomi: "Open here eyes" Arashi?. 

Arashi: Princess Satomi did you have a good sleep my lady?.

Princess Satomi: Yes I did.

Arashi: That's good to hear.

Princess Satomi: Arashi?.

Arashi: Yes what is it my lady?.

Princess Satomi: Go find Sasuke for me I want to see him again.

Arashi: Of course my lady.

Princess Satomi: Thank you! Arashi.

Arashi: Your welcome my lady. "Get's up and start to walk to the village to find Sasuke"

With Sasuke

Sasuke: I wound what Satomi is doing now?. I really want to see her.

?: Sasuke Uchiha!.

Sasuke: " Looks to see who is calling him" Arashi?.

Arashi: Princess Satomi send me to get you.

Sasuke: What for?.

Arashi: She just want to see you.

Sasuke: Alright!. Let's go.

Arashi: Okay

Someone was listen to them and starts to follow then.

Sasuke: Hey! Arashi do you hear that?.

Arashi: Yeah we are been follow by the demon king soldier.

Sasuke: What do we do we can't let then get to the princess.

Arashi: I know let take them out you ready Sasuke?.

Sasuke: Yes!.

Arashi: Come on out we know you are there?.

?: Where is the princess Satomi at?.

Sasuke: I'm not tell you where she is.

Arashi: Me too we want let you get the princess.

?: I see very well then LET'S GET THEM!!!.

Arashi: Sasuke be ready here they come.

Sasuke: Yes!.

Back with Princess Satomi

Princess Satomi: I wound where Arashi is he should be back by now. I hope he find Sasuke and that he is on the way here.

?: Satomi!.

Princess Satomi: " Turns around to see Sasuke call her" Sasuke! and Arashi!.

Sasuke: Hey Satomi!.

Princess Satomi: What happen to you guys?.

Arashi: Some of the demon king soldier was following us.

Princess Satomi: Well at less you guys are fine.

Sasuke: So you want to see me Satomi?.

Princess Satomi: Yes! Arashi can you give us some alone time please.

Arashi: Of course my lady.

Princess Satomi: Sasuke you know that tomorrow we are going into battle right.

Sasuke: I know I can't wait for it to be over.

Princess Satomi: Me too and I can't wait to be your wife too.

Sasuke: I know here I got this ring for you. "Holds out the ring to her".

Princess Satomi: Oh Sasuke it's so pretty.

Sasuke: Yea just like you are?.

Princess Satomi: Can you put it on for me?.

Sasuke: Of course I can. " Puts the ring on ther finger".

Princess Satomi: Thank you Sasuke!.

Sasuke: Your welcome Satomi.

Princess Satomi: How are thing going in the village?.

Sasuke: Well everyone things you are die.

Princess Satomi: Oh really! well I can't wait to see their faces when they see I'm not die.

Sasuke: Me too I can't wait for the demon king to die and you take over as queen and me as king.

Princess Satomi: Oh yea I forgot that if someone was to marry the princess that her lover would be king.

Sasuke: Yeah!.

Princess Satomi: Stay here tonight Sasuke and tomorrow we will go back and face the demon king.

Sasuke: I think it will be a good idea if I stay here.

Princess Satomi: It's getting late we sure go to bed we have a big day tomorrow.

Sasuke: You are right let's go to bed my queen." Get's up and holds out his hand for her".

Princess Satomi: "Takes his hand".

Sasuke: "Holds her hand"." Walks over by a tree and lay down by it".

Princess Satomi: "Sits in between his legs and lay her hand on his chest". Goodnight Sasuke I love you.

Sasuke: Goodnight Satomi I loveyou too "kisses her on the lips and close his eyes."

Princess Satomi: " Smiles and close her eyes".

Okay so here is chapter six just one more chapter to go I dont know when it will be up cause I haven't beat the game yet. After I beat the game then I will post the last chapter of this story so thank you for read this story please commnets and vote for my story. until I beat the game I will see you guys then Bye! :D

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