Chapter 1

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I grabbed my bag and shoved a sandwich, a water bottle and my phone. I hapharzardly hopped out pulling on my shoes. I had decided that today I was gonna climb the huge mountain  near my house. So I climbed to the very top and saw that there was a huge hole at the top. I tried to avoid it but I tripped on a rock and spiraled downward. I thought to myself " oh fuck , this is the end isn't it" 

I awoke up on a bed of golden flowers. "AAAHHH!!!!" I screamed with pain clutching my ankle. I tried to stand but couldn't . I kneeled then tried to stand on one leg and slowly pull myself up. It  hurt a lot but I could move! I had to walk pretty far to get anywhere.  When I finally got somewhere it was very snowy and cold. I turned down a skinny road and saw a boat and a ferry man. I hobbled quickly towards him and asked for a ride. He let me in I was so grateful that I hugged him. 

Soon I had arrived to a boiling place the ferry man called the "Hotlands" I thanked him and walked away. I soon came across a building with the word lab written in huge letters . I knocked on the door and a beautiful short dinosaur like  monster.  "H-h-hi" I stammered and "Hi!" she replied. I smiled and blushed a deep red and knew instantly knew that this was love.

She showed me in. I noticed she was a doctor and asked if she could help with my ankle. She examined it and said it was just a sprain. She wrapped it and asked if I'd like to watch mew mew with her. "Of course, but um, what's your name? " I said smiling at her.  " My name, Alphys, my name is Alphys." she said back to me.    "That's such a pretty name."  I said    We watched Mew Mew and ate chips and ice cream. After awhile I asked her if I could stay the night. She agreed and said I could sleep on the couch.

It was the next morning I woke up and made some breakfast for me and Alphys. She woke up and was so happy that I'd made pancakes she hugged me! 

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