06 ✔

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Just like I said I would, I meet Emmett outside. I walked out of school with Bella. "Are you going to be okay?" She asks. For the hundredth time. "Yes, Bells I'm fine, I'll text you once I head home," I say comforting my concern cousin.

"You're walking?" She stops in her tracks and gives me her mother look, hands on hip.

"No, no. I'm sure, Emmett will drive me home," I say then mumble to myself," hopefully..." She backs off of me and says goodbye before quickly darting to her truck. "Tell Charile I'll be home before dinner, if not, by 8," I call after her as she drives away waving. I sigh pulling my books and bag close.

The honk makes me jump and I turn to see Emmett smiling with his girlfriend, Rosalie I believe her name was. I give them a grim smile before walking over. "Hi Maria, I'm Rosalie," she seems to like me which was a good thing. "You don't mind me calling you that do you," she asks nervous.

"No its quite alright," I smile weakly.

"Sorry its just we use know someone who looks like you, her name was Mariabella," says Rosalie as we drive off to their house.

"What was she like?" I ask instered.

"She was beautiful inside and out, her heart as pure as snow and as gentle as dove, you're actually a lot like her. Feisty too, the temper on that girl was something we always admired," says Rosalie with a grim soft sad expression on her face like she was having a flashback.

"She sounds like lovely," I say, I wish I was like her. Pure and gentle and beautiful, but I'm damaged, broken, shattered. The rest of the car was silence and drive up into the woods, I began to get wary of where we're going. Oh god, they're murders aren't they? Why me? Oh god....

We pull into the drive way and oh my god, their house is huge! It's made of mostly windows and it was all fancy and beautiful looking, Charile's house was nothing compare to this. Or my old home back in Beacon Hills. "Whoa...." I mumble to myself.

Emmett parks the car and we get out. "Esme we're home and we have a guest," calls out Rosalie as we walked in. I was feeling shy about my appearance compared to theirs, I looked like trash. A beautiful woman, she looked about 28 or younger. Caramel, dark caramel hair, it was stunning compared to with her fare white snow skin. Her golden eyes sparkled when she saw me, a smile reached across her face.

"You must Amara right?" She asks. I nod, I wanted to ask how she knew my name, but she beat me to it. "Carlisle was told of your and your cousin's arrival, news spreads fast in small towns like this." She smiles, she had this beautiful bright aura around her kinda like Alice, expect she seems more motherly. Esme, not Alice.

"Well me and Amara need to do a project," says Emmett.

"Right, of course, well Rosalie, Damon and Alice will be here soon so you guys can hunt after Edward and Jasper come back," says Esme.

"Oh do you guys hunt? My father and sister were really into hunting, went every summer and weekend," I say curious, trying not to cry. My eyes turn glossy at the thought.

"Yea, its a hobby," says Rosalie. She doesn't seem like the hunting though, maybe the boys but Rosalie, no. Maybe Alice.

"Cool," I nod getting out my notebooks out and I start writing the first draft of our project. Emmett was talking to Esme when she said," Emmett don't make that poor girl do everything!"

"It's okay Esme," I smile.

"None sense, go help her," Esme orders. Emmett throws his hands in surrender and joins me. We were talking and editing our first draft. When the doors opens and walks in Edward, he stops as he sees me. His face was oh crap.

"Amara," he gulps. I just wave.

"Edward, where's Jasper?" Esme asks walking to him. He whispers it to her and she quickly walks out the front door.
Leaving me questioning what was happening.

"Everything okay?" I ask looking at Emmett.

"Yea just you know how hunting can be," he says. I don't think much and I nod as we get back to the draft but my mind and thoughts wouldn't let Jasper leave. I hope he was okay.

Walk in, Alice and Damon smiling as he swirls her as they walked. It was adorable, and the cutest thing I've seen. I smile softy as they noticed me there. "Who's this?" Asks Damon, Alice smiles walking gracefully and elegant like to me, she was floating across the floor, I swear.

"You're Amara Swan right?" She asks, her voice was bells.

"Thats, that's me," I stutter, her smile widens.

"You're the girl on the feature right? You quite popular," she smiles.

"I guess, I don't really pay attention to that stuff, its kinda dumb if you ask me," I say.

"I totally agree," she says. I smile.

Then walks in, Jasper, his eyes look up and they met mine. My breathing stops, and my heart is pounding. I wasn't scared. His enchanting golden eyes looking into mine, I was stuck with green eyes, they weren't unique. Edward frowned suddenly as if he could read my thoughts. Emmett clears his thoart smirking, I blush looking down.

"Jasper don't stare at our guest," he smirks. Oh God he's making it worse, I curse in my head. I can hear Edward chuckle under his breathe.

"Well I think I should get home, Charile and Bella will want to know where I am or when I'm coming home," I say getting up and grabbing my things cutting the tension like an awkward knife.

"No, no its okay," reassures Esme," if fact, I called Charile and asked him if you may have dinner here and he was said it was fine as long as you wanted to of course," she smiles motherly at me making the tension of awkwardness less bad for me.

"I would love to," I smile not wanting to be rude.

Esme claps her hands," Great!"

Oh boy...

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