cfin The World Goes Round part 2

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                    Lindsey's POV

*The bell rings for first period*

"Hey, Taylor girl",I say.


"Guess what I heard? ",Taylor said.

"What" ,I said.

"I heard that you and Drake was together all last night!"

"Yes we were, but how'd you know Taylor?" I asked.

"You know keshia gotta big mouth"

"I should've Known, she always in someone's business."

"well anyway tell me what happened,girl",she said.

"ok, ok well, we studied all day. Then we ate my mom's f. amous spaghetti,I didn't like it but it seemed like he he did."

"That's all y'all did eat and study."

"Wait you didn't let me finish."

Ok, we also-

*teacher interrupts*

"Ok,  Class take out Your mathematics notebooks and start writing the warm up on the board.

"I'll tell you after lunch."


                  Emani's POV

"Hey slobs"

"You know, You don't gotta be so mean."Lindsey said.

"That's okay Lindsey ,she call me something else and she ain't gonna like me no more."Taylor said.

"Puh-lease, the only way to talk to y'all is to be mean .....look at y'all.

"What,look at me."Taylor said getting mad.

"Y'all always lookin, a hot mess.

How are we suppose to be the most popular girls in school if we look like a bunch of homeless people."I yell.

"See I told you if you called me one more thing you wouldn't like me no more.Now I'm gettin pissed!"Taylor yells  coming towards me slowly while Lindsey holding her away from me. "

"And what are you gonna do."I say.

"You know what , Emani. I don't know what your problem has been here lately but, you better fix it."

Taylor says in a somewhat of a calmer voice.

"I don't need you. ...I don't need none of y'all." I yell.

"I don't need none of this Shit, you here me.

*I walk out the caferteria and run home.*

               Lindsey's POV

"What's wrong with you Taylor?"

"You know how she is"

"She hasn't always been like that and you know it. She's only been like this for only a couple of weeks."

"Maybe something happend."I say curiously.

"I don't know but imma find out."

Taylor says determined.

                  Emani's POV

I walk in the door and there is silence like no one was there but just to make sure I yell....."dad" you here.

"He must be at work"I said to my self.

I go to my room and I grab my mom's picture ontop of my dresser.

cfin The World Goes Round part 2Where stories live. Discover now