Driven to Insane Love

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There alone she stands in an abandoned insane asylum, that is as quiet as a cemetery. These walls are old, damaged, but deep into them they tell a story, a story of what happened here. Tells us what drove these apprehensive people to become insane. Entranced she felt consoled and didn't want to leave. The rooms seemed full of indignation, bewildered by the flash images received in the halls, these flashes are sick and writhed. Here Renee is an innocent teenager, all alone, yet she's not really alone now is she? She hears the echoes and whispers in these lonesome walls quietly, but there loud like a roar of fear. Renee isn't sure how she got here, it must be a dream, but she hears someone calling her name in the sullenness halls, she contemplated leaving, but a force was pulling her to come closer. As she got closer the voice got louder and louder, then suddenly subsides. There at the end of the eery hall stands a tall dejectedly man, she fell into a trance when she looked into his eyes and immediately, fell in love. He let the five little words fall out of his mouth, Welcome to the Insane Asylum. The words made her heart race and her body go into goosebumps, sent shivers down her spine. She approached him with fear he grabbed ahold of her, he was cold, his blue eyes pierced her soul. He says "I'm Dean", and you must be? Renee tried to answer, but the words wouldn't come out. He lead her to a secret room, which he appeared to be living in. Renee was shaking with fear, but oddly at the same time felt very safe with him. Dean tells her don't worry you have nothing to fear here with me. I promise I will protect you, Renee felt a lot more safer now that he said that. Renee tripped on something, but Dean caught her before she could hit the ground. His arms were like her serenity, she felt protected, safe. He looked in her eyes and at that moment her love grew deeper. Later that night they were walking around the asylum just talking, she felt like she had known him for years. Though he seemed like he was still hiding something, he wasn't telling her something. Renee didn't want to pry it out of him so she just let it be. He showed her to a room that was her room now, he got her settled then walked off down the dark cold hallways and disappeared into his room. Renee thought all night, what was his secret, why does he live in an abandoned insane asylum all alone. Who hurt him? That night around 3 she wandered off to his room, but he wasn't there, he was gone. Renee got scared, was she all alone, was she just imagining him? She then thought maybe he went for a walk, she went back to bed and went to sleep. Renee then woke up early in the morning and left her room and there he was. Just sitting there drinking coffee, he already made her a cup and told her he had to go out for the day and she could hang here all day or leave. Renee decided to stay and look around the asylum, after he left she wandered around. Something kept telling her to go into his room to see what he is hiding, but she wanted to respect his privacy. There was something inside her telling her to just take a peek, but instead she walked in the other direction. Hours later, Dean returned and went right to his room, then around dinner time, he came out to make it, but Renee already did and set two place settings at the table. They had a nice dinner together, then Dean lit a fire and put on a movie. They sat there together and got closer and closer, by the end of the movie they had fallen asleep in each other's arms. By morning Dean looked at her kissed her forehead when he thought she was asleep and left. Renee got up and was just amazed, the kiss on the forehead was all she needed to make her smile, but why did he do it when she was "asleep"? That is all she thought about all day, the night was a dream, but why did he leave again. Where is he going all the time, she needs some answers. Dean had his own questions, will she stay, am I capable of being loved? Dean was falling for her, but he couldn't show it because of his past. He has done and witnessed some pretty bad things, but ever since he met Renee his life took a total 360, she changed his world. Dean really loves her and wants to be with her, he needs her in his life. Since the day she walked into his life, he has seen a meaning for life. Dean wants to tell her how he is feeling, but who would want to be with a monster like him? Last night gave him hope that maybe just maybe Renee would consider being with him. Who is he kidding, a girl like her is one and a million, he'd give anything to be with her. He would even surrender to Bray Wyatt, which he never has done because he hates Bray with every bone in his body. Renee is his number one girl, everything he has ever wanted. Bray was very good at his mind games, he could get in your head and change your view on the situation. His words were like weapons, they scared you and made you think twice about what you were about to do. He truly is a demon, he is like a cloud of darkness, he lies in the darkness. Renee knew about his mind games, she has seen him ruin people. Dean has a fear with Renee, Bray will come and try to hurt her or take her or something even worse. He knew he needed to protect her, but how, Bray was a master mind at the manipulation game. Dean tries not to fall under his spell, but it is very hard he can get inside your head and twist it so far, it's insane. Renee isn't used to his tricks, he needed to prepare her without being too obvious. Back at the asylum Renee remains wandering around, this place is huge so she looks around for some kind of clue to tell her who Dean truly is. He is so mysterious, yet enchanting and beautiful inside and out. She wants to get to know him, she has been in love with him since the moment she laid her eyes on him. Renee wants to surprise him tonight, she'll put a nice, sexy dress on and make a nice dinner, then rent a good movie. He usually came home around 6, 4 at the earliest. That meant she had two hours to set this all up. She immediately got to work, she knew what he liked to eat and she just had to cook it. Renee set a table nicely, and then got ready. Around 5:45 he walked in, the look on his face was so sweet, he said "What's this?", Renee responded with, "You let me live here, I thought I would pay you back, and we could get to know each other". Dean smiled and said, "You do enough just being here", Renee smiled from ear to ear. Dean told her a little bit about him, how he loved wrestling and how he never has really been social. He still seems like he isn't telling her something, he talked about Bray a little, but just a little.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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