The Way It Is

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What was the old world like?

We know so little about those that came before, about the state of our planet before the coming of the King. Who were the architects of the great metal cities that now claw their way back from underneath the Endless Desert?

The historians of the Coastal Kingdoms often tour the nearby counties and governances with carts full of ancient artifacts: Tools of our ancestors, scraps of clothing, weapons of war. It seems that every year, the stories change just a little. They worshipped an all-powerful pyramid, or a faceless being in the sky, or a singular man on a throne. 

The truth is we may never be certain of what came before. What we do know is the world as it is.

When the King came down to the world, he divided the land in two. On the western slope, hidden from view, rests the Sunset Kingdoms. The journey toward this mysterious realm is perilous, and the return trip double so. To my knowledge, no merchant or explorer to brave the passage has ever returned. I can say for certain that the kingdoms themselves do exist. There are excursions into the Redland Barony and the Gentle Shore on a monthly basis. Other than the exquisite design of their metallic armor, we know little of their ways. 

I write this from the comfort of The Vale of the King, a governance in the County of Powerton. Our landlocked patch of sand and dirt sits between four powerhouses, each vying for greater control of the Nation of Erica. 

The oligarchs of the Gentle Shore are easily the most peaceful. They mostly squabble with the Coastal Kingdoms for trade routes on the Great Oceans. Every few summer, they come north with great trains of goods from the Sapphire Isles far to the south: Exotic spices and fruits from the many islands off the coast. Each visit comes with a request for more land, open borders, or direct annexation. They accept a polite rebuff and go back with their purses full. 

The Coastal Kingdoms fear none. Their wealth is limitless, and their land is rich and green beyond any other in Erica. I can also attest, from firsthand experience, the prowess of their military. The Waveguard is unmatched in naval matters, and their Marines could best any force of the Eastern Realm. I only ventured into their cities once, while escorting the Count. Cities of polished steel and bronze emerge from the emerald swamps. The people are well-fed and, most impressively, happy. If ever I had the coin to move my family, I would like to return to those golden shores. 

The Sapphire Holds belong to the Duchess of the North. Like her lands, she is a generous woman with a modest temperament. Unless, that is, you encroach on her borders without permission. Then she is known to be as viscous as the Southern Storms. Her cities are smaller, focused around farms and mines, but filled with loyal citizens of the Duchy. 

The Redland Barony is a cruel and ruthless existence. Bordering the Frozen Wastes of the north and the Sunset Kingdoms to the west, the Barony is in a state of constant war. It has made them fearless warriors and fanatical citizens. The Blood Baron, an ill-tempered man in the vein of his ancestors, constantly probes his borders for opportunities to expand. I have faced his bannermen more often than any other in my life.

Finally, there is my home: Powerton. Our access to the Badlands, and therefore the reserves of stones and gems, makes us a valuable piece of the Nation of Erica. That wealth is, sadly, reserved for the powerful families of Green Hills more than the communities of the Vale, but we enjoy a somewhat peaceful life. 

I hope to continue this map when I retire from service. It is important, something we can use to rebuild our civilization to match the greatness of those that came before. 

Elijah Palmer, Polemarch of the Third Division, Powerton County Marines

Elijah Palmer, Polemarch of the Third Division, Powerton County Marines

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