8 : starlight

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Instead of rooms, all of the staffs rent the tent to save the cost.

"This place is the best for stargazing," Kino comes and helps you out to set it up.

You are flustered by his sudden appearance but you keep your smile plastered.

"You have been here before? You seem to know a lot." You try to engage into a convo with him.

Kino cheerfully nods, "My ex and I used to come here a lot."

You turn to him. He is still smiling but you can sense he is sad, somehow.

"I am sorry for asking," you bow apologetically.

"It is nothing." He goes closer and pat your head. You are flustered by his skinship but you let him be.

It is nice to feel comfortable and loved...right?

You know you have developed a crush towards him.

The sun has set below the deep, far horizon. The dusk seems more lovely and scenic with the dark maroon sky all over before slowly transcending to black pitched darkness.

It is been hours.

But Kino hasn't leave your side yet. He is just there, sitting beside you infront of the tent while watching other staffs playing around.

You glance at him.

"Don't look at me," he mutters while glancing back to you. "Look at the sky," he points his index finger upwards.

You obey what he told you.

It is a complete silence until once, he broke it.

"I don't know what we are right now but the reason I stick to you is because.. You make me feel like how my girlfriend used to." He looks at you with deep, apologetic and guilty eyes.

Your heart sank, again.

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