Alright guys! I finally finished writing my review of Air Keep! Air Keep is the third book in the Far World series by J. Scott Savage and I really enjoyed re-reading it. This is going to be a review like all my others, so I'll be answering some of the discussion questions found in the back of the book.
Marcus and Kyja enter the Is, the Was, and the Will Be. If you could spend a day seeing the future, visiting the past, or hanging out in the present, which would you choose and why?
I'd have to say that I'd stay in the present. I don't care much for knowing a concrete future and I generally like to forgive and forget when it comes to the past. My present isn't terrible and I'd be okay staying here.
Before Marcus goes into the Will Be, he is told that seeing his future will lock it in place. If you could see one version of your future, knowing that would mean that version of the future was unchangeable, would you take the risk? Why or why not?
No. As I stated above, I'm not too worried or interested in knowing my future. I know that what I'm doing now is going to build it up and so I'm doing the best I can to create the best future possible for myself. That knowledge is good enough for me.
Marcus and Kyja are surprised to learn they will be traveling by snail. They expect the snail to be very slow, but it ends up being fast. Have you ever expected one thing to happen and been surprised when something much different occured? What did you learn from the experience?
Well, when I started 10th grade, my mom switched me from the charter school I attended to our local public high school. I was sure I was going to hate it and that I wouldn't make any new friends. And I did at first. Luckily, one of my friends switched with me and I wasn't completely alone. She found some nice people and introduced me to them which helped me get a whole friend group. Over time, the giant size of the school stopped being overwhelming and I was able to get used to the school. Now that I'm done, I can look back and see all of the experiences and opportunities I wouldn't have had at my old school. I wouldn't have many of my writing friends or a blog. I'm not even sure I'd be writing at all! Having that experience and switching schools taught me how I deal with change and has allowed me to work on adapting to change better and ultimately, towards being the best person I can be.
On their way to Air Keep, Marcus, Kyja, and Riph Raph encounter a number of creatures with names that are actually puns. Some are Frost Bite, Fruit Fly, and Rope Burn. Can you think up any of your own?
Well, there's the obvious ones that are often used in jokes- butterfly and time fly. Those would be stick of butter and/or clocks being thrown around. Maybe bone dry could work? Like, suddenly bones are everywhere and the air is really dry? Lake monster could be one. Instead of a monster that lives in a lake, it'd be a monster made of lake water? Car pool could be a car with a pool in it trying to run you over. Rock slide would be a slide made of sharp rocks. There's probably more but I can't think of them.
Well, that's it for this review! I'll try to be quicker with the Fire Keep review and when I release it's review, I'll announce my next book or book series that I'll review so if anyone wants to read with me, you'll be welcome to. I can't wait to get onto the next book and see what happens with Marcus in prison and Kyja 6-feet under.
Book Reviews
RandomHere's where I'll post book reviews. I actually post them to my blog first and that's where I encourage discussions and such.