Blind Love

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This Story revoIver
around a handsome
boy and a equally
dashing girl.Who
Loved eachother for
quite some years,
booth of the girl and
the boy used to work
in the same
hydrographics studio.
Every single day they
Would watch
concentrate on the
other working."What
a beautiful feeling
that is",they would
think as their Love
grew for one an othe.
After much talking,
they got more
comfortable With
Out in a dreamy stye,
going to parks,
Cinem as and Walking
eachother home and
to their work place.
The boy came to his
usual work,When he
finally fini shed,he put
back every thing in
their places leaving
the studio nice and
One day,the girl,as
usual Went and
dipped the pictures in
the chemical,When
She reached for a
fresh new bottle,it
landed on her,
reaching her eyes,as
it did So,She
Scramed in Sheer
pain and terror.The
place usually being
quiet and peqcful,
everyone rushed to
the studio,carrying
the poor girl into the
hospital car,sending
her away,The news
eventually reached
her Lover,he know
that She had lost her
sight.He Started a
fresh new life,he
moved away from his
Work,his friends,and
threw all of the
memories away,
Event ually,the girl
recovered with her
new pair of eyes,who
the donor was
back into the work
plack,expecting the
beaming face of her
first love,She was
crushed,seeing him
not there,she was
also angry that he
could throw away all
of these memories in
a heartbeat.After
Crying in her room for
days,her sister
managed to get her
Out,She was a plastic
surgeon,of fering her
sister the chance to
get a free plastic
Surgery Session,She
returned to her
beautiful Self after
Soothing of the skin.
The Same day she
Went back to the
Studio,the tears in her
eyes whilst
remembering every
Single beautiful
moment she had With
her Love.
She went outside for
a breath of fresh air,
as the chemicals
Wore her out.Much to
her Surprise,She
found him sitting in
The same place they
first talked,betweeh
Two magical trees on
a mahogany bench
With happy tears,she
a ppro ached him and
But he just looked
ahead,he couldn't
See her,she just Stoof
in front of him,
Wondering if he forgot
her?Then She found
Oust that the
mysterious donor was
him...thats why when
She looked inthe
mirror She could see
the eyes of a familiar
Person-it was him
What a beautiful sight
it was,watching the
to be blind instead of
What a beautiful
feeling that it.

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⏰ آخر تحديث: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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