the crocodile

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rumple is planning to take hook's heart, he paces thinking of ways to do it as he thinks he finally come up with a plan he'll capture Emma and the price of letting her go is hook's heart he smirk as he teleport to Emma "hello dearie come with me" he says as he grabs her arm and take her to a cell in his basement he gives Emma a phone to call hook "your bad at kidnaping" Emma says to rumple as he smirks again Emma calls hook, as rumple waits he hears foot steps coming down the stairs it was hook rumple look at him hook knows he has a price "what the bloody hell do you what" hook asks as rumple look at him "your heart" he say as he goes to rip it out. he rips hooks out and let Emma out of the cage as he poof Emma and hook home he puts hooks heart in a box. Emma sighs and goes to sleep as Killian goes to grannys Regina then uses her skeleton keys to open Emma's door she goes over to Emma and kisses her forehead "I love you I hope you feel the same" Regina whispers walking out the door Emma smiles as she feels the kiss then she wakes up "was I dreaming" Emma asks herself as she sees a note Regina left {I love you Emma and if you feel the same come to the toll bridge if you show up ill know how feel                               _yours truly. Regina } the note states as Emma reads it she thinks maybe she may have feeling for Regina so then she runs to the toll bridge Regina had a smile on her face as she sees Emma approaching "you came" Regina say with a smile Regina then hugs Emma tightly "b-but what about hook" Regina asks with a frown "I have feelings for you but I love hook I'm his happy ending I'm sorry Regina" Emma says as she walks away Regina's body fills with rage as she poofs to rumple "where is it I know you took the pirates heart" Regina says to rumple as she look at him  "yes I have his heart" rumple says as he poof the heart to himself and he gives it to Regina he knows exactly what she's gonna do......

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