Part 16

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You walked towards the hotel Dean and Sam were staying. Klaus a few steps behind you. He didn't say anything towards you since both of you left the compound. You body was starting to itch more and more with every step you took. The smell of the people walking past you was making it worse. You stopped for a few seconds to take a few deep breaths. In a few seconds you realised that wasn't the best idea. The scent of the people just got stronger and you feel your teeth growing. You felt someone grab your hand and pull you to a side street.

"Y/N look at me." Klaus said. He grabs your face with both of their hands. You holds you face up making you look him in the eyes. "I'm here." He says. "Everything is okay. I'm not letting you do anything, okay." He says to you. You nod your head at him. He pulls you towards him. He holds you in his arms. You missed this so much. Just him holding you making sure you were safe. Making you feel safe. You pulled out of his hug. You looked him in the eyes forgetting the people and the world around you. "i missed you." Klaus whispered.

"Y/N!" You heard someone say. "Y/N" You looked towards the voice seeing Dean and Sam running towards you. Klaus stepped in front of you, between you and them.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks.

"I'm fine, how are you two doing?" You respond. You noticed the scent of pie and beer making you a little dizzy. Dean takes a step closer making the scent increase making you automatically take a step back. Dean looks at you worried.

"Y/N are you okay?" Dean asks you.

"Her scent is definer. She can smell your intoxicating smell of beer and pie much definer." Klaus says rough towards him with a grin on his face. "It may make her a little dizzy." He continues. Dean jaw clenched from frustration.

"Did you already drunk something?" Sam asks. "You know like blood?"

You shook your head towards him.

"What happens if you don't?" Dean asks

"In this stadium she mostly would be dead at the end of the day." Klaus says. "But that's not going to happen." He continues looking towards you.

Dean and Sam look at each other and then worried towards you.

"Y/N we need to talk about a few things. Can we meet up at the end of the day at the hotel room?" Dean says softly to you.
You nod your head towards him giving him a little smile. Scent of blood passes your nose and you face goes from a sweet smile to a killer. Sam and Dean look shocked and before you can turn around to see who smelled so delicious Klaus grabbed your arm and pulled you away.

"She will see you tonight." Klaus said towards Dean. Pulling you away by the arm in a different direction as the smell.


Klaus shoved you into a warehouse when dragging you of the streets of New Orleans.

"Where are we?" You ask him. He's walking towards a side room. The warehouse was empty and cold. There was nothing in the room but a table and a few chairs around it.

"Safehouse!." He says to you walking away. You walked behind him towards another room.

"Since when do you guys need a safehouse?" You ask him. He stops in his tracks and looks towards you.

"a few things changed the last year." He says not looking towards you but instead he looks towards the ground. "I will explain everything later." He looks towards you. "Come on. You have to feed." He says giving you a little smile and started walking away.


You entered another room, this one was comfy. It had a bank a few chairs, a few lamps and books lying around the place.

"Sit down." He says. You walked towards the bank and sat down. You were looking towards him and saw him reach for something. A blood bag. He walks towards you with it and sit next to you. "This may be weird at first but you're going to like it. Trust me you body needs it." He opens the bag. The scent of blood right away filling your nose. The hungry building up in your body and you feel your teeth come out. He puts the bag in front of you with all of the willpower you have you try to take it slow not wanting to drink the bag of blood in a few seconds, but the hunger in your body is powerful and before you know it the bag is empty. You body is itching for more. Klaus puts his hand over your hand. You look towards him. He grabs the bag from you hand and walks towards the other side of the room. You felt shameful but at the same time powerful. Klaus walks back to you with another bag. He handles it to you. "Try to drink it slowly. It's difficult I know, but it's better." You look towards him and he opens the bag for you. You feel the hunger come up again and you try to keep it down. Trying to drink the blood as slowly as possible. It doesn't help much. In a few seconds the bad was drain. But it last longer than the first. When you finished you looked towards Klaus.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better.." You say to him.

He sits next to you and takes the bag from your hand and puts it on the ground. He pulls you closer to him. "It will get better. You have a lot to learn but I will be here to help you."

"Can I choose another teacher. You're not the most humane vampire." You said to him with a smile.

"I'm all you got." He says. He puts a hand on your cheek. Rubbing it with his thumb. "I missed you." He gets closer to you. His face just inches from you. Your lips touch and before you know you were pinned up to the wall. His lips on yours.

"Ugh.." Both of you hear coming from the door. You look towards and you see elijah and Rebekah standing there. Looking towards you and Klaus. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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