Say it again

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   “How many times do I have to say it before you get it through your thick skull!?” He barked, “I copied you cuz’ I admired you… I...I love you…” he mumbled the last part but Rei heard it clearly. He heard it the first time too, on that stage in front of all those people, over all the blasting music and loud cheers from the crowd. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it in front of all those people, but he didn't know his doggie’s bark could be that loud.

   It was loud again now too.

   “...Why won't you say anything…?” He whispered, hanging his head down and Rei could see that he was trembling. “I know, it's disgustin’ right? But if ya’ hate it so much then just fucking say so dammit!” He demanded, lifting his face to reveal his tear stained cheeks and watery eyes. All Rei could do was stare in shock, stare at the tears streaming down Koga’s face, stare at how he trembled, stare at how he bit his bottom lip to hold back sobs.

   But he couldn't look into his eyes.

   He didn't want to see the look in his eyes, didn't want to imagine it. So he looked away.

   “Doggie I-”

   “ Koga.” He said and to Rei’s dismay his eyes found their way back to Koga in shock once again.


   “My name is Koga ain't it?'re…” he paused, “you're Sakuma-senpai…”

   Rei found himself staring again, but this time, directly into Koga’s eyes. He saw everything he didn't want to see.  The hurt, pained look, mixed with anger and frustration, most likely towards himself.

   And he saw his broken heart.

   And Rei’s heart may have broken a little too.

   “... ‘m sorry senpai” Koga mumbled before turning to leave, accepting that his feelings weren't returned. Rei watched him leave, watched him leave with his ears and tail hanging low. Maybe he was leaving for good.

   His doggie wouldn't be his anymore.

   Rei didn't want that.

   Rei quickly got out of his coffin and stumbled out of the light music room just in time to see Koga already part-way down the hall.

   “Dog-” he quickly stopped himself, shaking his head.

   “Koga!” he called out, going as far as to run after Koga, who had now turned around, frozen like a deer in the headlights. His tear-filled eyes looked directly at Rei, wide with shock. Rei stopped right in front of him, taking a moment to catch his breath.

   “Say it again…” Rei breathed, “...say you love...Sakuma-senpai…” he said, locking eyes with Koga, watching the gears turn in his head before seeing his face twist into a scowl.

   “Don't Fuck with me ya’ stupid vamp-”

   “Me too.” Rei said so suddenly that he even surprised himself. He stood up straight, looking Koga directly the eyes.

   “I love Koga Oogami.”

   Time seemed to stop. The gears in Koga’s head spun once again, this time, his face growing red as he opened and closed his mouth uselessly, trying to form a response. Rei moved closer to Koga, close enough to reach out to him.  But he waited.

   “Say it again Koga, say you love this shitty old vampire bastard, say you love me.” He asked, now close enough that he could feel Koga’s breath on his face, he could see the tears in his eyes, threatening to pour over again, he rested his forehead against Koga’s.

   “I love you Sakuma-senpai. I love ya, ya stupid vampire bastard.” Koga breathed and a small smile graced both of their faces. Rei took the leap, leaning in slowly, closing the gap between the two before pressing a small, chaste, kiss to Koga’s lips, short and sweet. Yet it still spoke a million words between the two. He pulled away to wipe the tears from Koga’s face.

   “I love you too Koga. I love you my doggie.”

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