Round and round one goes, circles, knots, all tied up stuck in one spot. The world moving all around, never stopping, trying, struggling, never succeeding. The ropes of life entrap their prey, pulling tighter and tighter, stuck in a place, everything else moves around, noticing nothing. The ropes of life move away in come the ropes of the middle ground, soon after the ropes of death. Tighter than the ropes of life, much tighter, there is no escape, no hope, nothing. Then it ends, ones sees the light and darkness, crossroads, one choice, the hall of judgement, but yet not, different than fiction, the hall, which so many fear, is nothing but crossroads, choose the light in which ones think they deserve on the surface, or look deep inside themselves and choose darkness the one they know they deserve. One choice, both paths unknown, think carefully and choose wisely.