Cam Turns 3

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It was 5 am when Mrs.Startston woke up to a ear piercing scream from her eldest daughter, followed by screaming cries from her 3 month old. She swore under her breath and shook her husband awake. He woke with a start but heard the cries echoing through the house and ran off to the nursery. Mrs. Starston ran off to Cam's room and saw the girl sprawled out on the ground. She kneeled down next to her and said
"What hurts baby girl? Did you fall off your bed?"
Cam nodded and pointed at her right leg which was twisted in an odd direction. Mrs.Starston looked back at her daughter and moved her hair out of her eyes. "Shh" she said calmingly "Mommy's got you. Why were you on the top bed? Mommy told you to stay on the bottom." They'd bought bunk beds when buying Cam a bed so when she was older she'd have extra beds for sleepovers. The young girl shrugged. She thought she was big enough to be in the top bed, but when she tried climbing down the ladder to go to the potty she fell.
"Mommy mad?" the little girl asked innocently. Her mother shook her head and said "Just worried. We are gonna go the doctor now okay?" she said picking the girl up. Cam nodded resting her head in her mothers shoulder and sucking her thumb.
"Molly? How is she?" Mr. Starston said coming into the room with the baby in his arms.
"Not good Sam." she said pointing out the leg to her husband "How's Violet?"
"Fine. Just scared by the loud noise. I'll go get her in her car seat. You can follow with Cammy." he said heading down the stairs. She followed careful not to move Cam too much. She set the girl in her car seat and moved to the front seat and watched her daughters sleep as they rushed to the hospital.
-A short drive later-
The parents rushed in to the waiting room. The husband sat down to soothe the baby and the mother set the older daughter next to him. She walked up to the desk.
"Hello. Welcome to the hospital. Here's a medical form. Fill it out for the patient unless this matter is extremely urgent." the nurse said grumpily.
"Just fell off her bunk bed. That's not urgent is it?" Mrs.Starston commented back. The nurse looked up after hearing the voice.
"Oh my goodness, Mrs.Starston. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. Is Cammy okay?" the nurse said worriedly. The nurse was a girl who helped at the preschool during the day and worked the night shift at the hospital. She never took a break.
"I just told you no darling." Molly (Mrs.Starston) responded.
"Right, right. I'll get you in as soon as possible." the nurse responded taking back the speedily finsished forms.
"Of course. And may I ask your name? I've forgotten." Molly said.
"Kennedy. Cameron a really nice girl." she said ushering a doctor towards Molly.
"Of course. I'll see you another time then dear. Good to speak to you." and Molly rushed off with the doctor and her daughter.
-In the ER-
"So this is a pretty bad break, but since she's so young it should heal quickly. However, we will need to reset and cast it. Because of her age, we won't use anesthesia and will have to do it while she's awake." the doctor said.
"Ok, Cammy it's gonna hurt okay? But it will feel better afterwads." Molly said grabbing her daughters hand and nodding to the doctor. The doctor twisted the leg back into proper place and screams echoed followed by cries from Cam who's mother rubbed her head soothingly.
"You're okay baby. Your okay." The girl nodded and laid down quietly.
"Very brave Cammy." The doctor said. "What color cast do you want?" he asked sweetly.
"PINK PWEASE PINK!!!" the girl said happily. Her mother laughed and nodded that that was okay and the doctor returned and cast the leg in bright pink.
"And Cammy? Have a very happy birthday." He said giving the parents instructions for the very small crutches the girl would use.
Later that day the family ate cake and told the story of that night to all the extended family. Cam had a very eventful but happy 3rd birthday.
So this wasn't my original plan with her birthday but I think it adds dimension to the story and will fit in later.

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