Skype. Skype is cool.

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Kari's PoV

Waking up, I rolled over to look at my alarm clock and sighed. 11:23. It was way too early.

I rolled back over and buried my head into my pillow and started to drift back off to sleep, back off into the peaceful abyss when a loud ringing came from across the room- from my computer. After glaring at it for a moment, I sighed, again, deeply and slithered out of bed, groaning in the process. After trudging over to the computer, I stumbled back and bellyflopped back onto the soft, warm covers of their bed and answered the call.

"Hey Laken," I yawned, "Whatcha doiiing?" Laken shot me a look from the computer and shrugged.
"Talking to you, obviously." She said, a serious expression covering her face. In a moment it was gone, however, and we ended up giggling hysterically at each other.

We talked about a lot of things- how our days had gone, what we were planning to do, when we should meet up- the like. The conversation went on for ages and in the midst of it, I became aware of a warm and pleasant feeling swirl around in me. I smiled softly, wondering where the bubbly feeling was coming from, and why.

I must have zoned out as I was suddenly conscious of Laken leaning closer to her screen and waving her hand in front of the webcam, all the while repeating, "Earth to Kari? Eaaarth to Kari. Hellooooo...?" Shaking my head, I looked up at Laken and smiled.
"Sorry, I must have zoned out... what did you say?" I laughed nervously. Laken shook her head and grinned.
"Man, only you, I swear. Anyway, as I was sayyyying," she drew out the word, "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to meet up later? Say half 2 ish?"

I shot her a smirk and nodded. We said goodbye and I rushed to get ready, the soft glow of a blush starting to creep up her cheeks. I smiled again and reveled in the feeling only to stop after a second, thinking.

Is this what I thought it was?

SO DAT IS MY FIRST STORY and I'm already cringe XD
ANYWAYYYY this is for the boopers that are _Laken, pacifykari, SumWierdLoser and LotusRoseIsAFK

I might actually continue this as an actual series? Idk but I'll try to sort out a schedule and let you guys know.

[Edit: Oke so I changed a few bits round as I kept trying to put it into first person like the stupid eggshell I am, so I gave up and just changed everythinggg.]

Baiii ~ Traumatised Human

The One I've Found - Kari xx LakenWhere stories live. Discover now