Sometimes things are pretty.

13 2 7

Laken's PoV

It feels like her dark brown eyes are etched into my memory, and the colours that swirl around inside them captivate me. There's the subtle chocolate, the Rowan tree and a slight tinge of smoke. It's funny how much you can notice after only glances and snippets.

I invited her to a sleepover. Yes, I know it's lame and that we're almost 16 now, but we have exams, and those have basically melted our brains away.  Looking over at my phone, I saw the time read '13:42'. She'd be here in half an hour, whilst I'd be still lying in bed, daydreaming about her eyes. I rolled my eyes at myself for the cheesiness, trying to cover up the spike of fear that jolted through my body.

I rummaged through my clothes, once again trying way to hard and decided on dark blue jeggins, a white 'I'm a Muggle' tee and a light blue GAP jumper (A/N Totallyyyy not what I'm wearing nowww..... ahaha..?). The doorbell rang just as I brushed my hair back, and I threw myself out onto the landing and down the stairs, having a little breakout at the bottom when I missed the bottom step. After my near death experience, I cursed my enthusiasm, seeing my mum look at me with a quizzical expression to then brush it off as our friendship. Which it was, of course.

When she saw me, Kari grinned even more than she was before and a light pink dusting appeared on her cheeks. I smiled hugely at her and dragged her inside, not even bothering to shut the door behind me. Kari laughed, seeming surprised at my enthusiasm. I laughed too, and pulled her towards my room, where I'd hid a blanket behind the door. As soon as I got into the room, I doubled back on myself with the blanket in my hand, and plonked it over Kari's head.

I ran out the room and into the landing cupboard and tried to stifle my giggles  as I heard her stay silent for a second, probably stunned, and then burst out hysterically snorting with laughter. Her feet stomped along the ground as she tried to find me, pretending to be surprised when she didn't find me in top of the shelf. After a while, I leaned on the doorframe, too disoriented by the dim light to see which direction. I laughed to myself at how bad Kari apparently was.

"HA!" Kari yelled from right outside the door. I giggled at her before realising what way I was facing and that I was falling, fast. In an attempt to catch myself, I flung my arms out, and felt my face hit something soft, warm even.

My eyes drifted down slowly from the ceiling to meet two others staring at me in surprise, and happiness?

And then I realised- I was kissing my best friend.

They have done tha kissiiiiiiiii

I'm aiming to get 400-450 ish words a chapter  so that'll hopefully go well.

Also I was writing this at Girls Brigade.... which... is a church club...... hmmm
Reason #831 why I'm going to get kicked out.

ANYWAY (wow Ellie, back with the anyways) WE HAVE A BIT MORE ACTION




I'm getting way too enthusiastic about this....

Baiii ~ Traumatised Human

The One I've Found - Kari xx LakenWhere stories live. Discover now