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Okay, I'm honestly so disappointed in my self, I'm sitting here wondering why I haven't updated any of my books.

My excuses aren't good but I have a couple.

I'm a senior in highschool now and I just don't have anytime. I work almost everyday and I do have a social life. But I decided to go through and make time to update.ssooooooooo

I hope you enjoy. Also I don't remember much of the details of the story and I'm to lazy to read over it sooooo


Today Madison and I are going to hang a little.

After the incident yesterday Jack left back to California. Thank god, it would've been way to awkward.

The bus driver accidentally took a wrong turn, and now we are on our way to Florida which is okay because we can go to the beach for the day. Sadly I didn't bring a bathing suit. But thus gives Madison and I a opportunity to go shopping.

After I kissed Derek yesterday I asked him if he knew if Jack had a girlfriend and he sad yes! Like what the actual fuck. So I was kind if mad, still am kinda mad that he never told me. 

Suddenly as I was on the couch on my phone, I feel the bus slow down. Everyone wonders what was happening and Derek gets up and goes to see what the problem was. He comes back and he looks frustrated.

"He said that he ran out if gas." Everyone groans. "but thank god there's a gas station up the street. I'm going to get some snacks and smoke a little. anyone care to join" And almost everyone got up to get there wallets.

Madison and I got off the bus first and started walking.

"So I talked to Derek earlier, and he said the he swore to Jack that he wouldn't tell anyone about me" Madison says sadly. I look over at her.

"That's just stupid. Why would he even do something like that. Why cheat on anyone" I say looking ahead.

"Yea, its whatever. Even though we have been dating for two years I never caught major major feelings. I just liked him ya know" She says trying to pull off a real smile. I smile back.

"So don't be mad at Derek okay. He really really likes you. And I have friends that known him for a long time. And when he is really down then he's down."  she says. I nod. Should I just make up with him. I just wants things to go good. We walk up to  the gas station with everyone in tow. I go straight to the Munchies. I love then so much. Even though they are really bad for you.

I grab some of the Cheddar and hot ones. Then I go to the candy aisle and get some starburst and a king size twix. Then I walk over to the cooler and grab some Arizona's. and then I get a slush. I look up and see Madison at the check out with a hot cheetos and some other things and I see Kayla buying some rellos.

I look over at Derek and couple of freezers down grabbing some powerades. I sigh. I walk over and I touch his arms letting him know that I was there. He looks up and gives me a soft smile.

"Hey Bella" He says quietly. I don't really say anything just a little nod. He gives a little frown. "Look I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I don't know. It was kind of like a bro thing. But I know realize that it was wrong"

"its okay Derek" I say smiling. He truly is beautiful. I grab his hand and smile bigger up at him. He smiles back, showing his beautiful smile.

"Let's go get high asf and make out and then we will discuss we can be tomorrow"I say. and nods and his eyes travel downwards. He pulls me in a little with his hand and I feel his lips touch mine. and I kiss him right back. God I love his lips.

"how about this instead bells." he whispers.

"wanna be my girl?" he asks. I can see a little pink tint on his cheeks.

I laugh a little. "Is Mr. Luh blushing"

"whaaat no" he says looking away. I laugh louder.

"Guess what Derek" I say. He looks down at me clearly waiting for me to talk.

"You have a girlfriend now" I say and peck his lips and walk away to pay for my stuff.

he suddenly screams out. "I GOT THE GIRL!" and the whole gas station cheers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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