The secret

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celesia woke up and found her self surrounded by staring school mates while she is running she didn't feel her legs , but she was very dizzy and strong pain in her chest ... She didn't know what was happening but when she looked up she saw Jake's face , his face was really white he was really scared about her ... But she starts talking to him though she had that weired chest pain and the conversation was like this :::

celesia : wh ... what is going on ???

Jake : well , you fainted and you are sweating alot ....

celesia : I don't feel that I am ok .

Jake : don't worry you will be fine , we are going to the nursery room .

celesia : I don't know when I will pay back for your favours .

Jake : I was thinking about the same thing too.

* both of them start laughing , but celesia starts coughing blood *

Jake : Are you ok ??

celesia : * faints *

Now all what celesia can feel around her was the nervous nurse talking to her crying mother talking about some kind of blood pressure issues and a heart problem , but the sound was very very far that celesia thought they were at the end of a hall way or some thing .... But at some point she concentrated and the conversation was like this :::::

The nurse : that's a serious situation madame your daughter fainted twice today only ...

The mother : so what can I do ???

N : you should make whatever makes her upset away from her , don't let any bad kids approach her calling her bad names or any thing like that ..

M : Bad kids????

N : well , you don't know that there's kids call her names because of her over weight issue .

M : well first of all , she isn't over-weighted ...... I saw some girls when I came her they are the girls having diseases , they are all about skin on bones dressing in a bad way to make boys love them or to think that they have the right to call other people names ..... *sigh* But it isn't like this my girl is pure ,  lovely and the most important thing that she isn't like them .

Jake : * opens the door and walk in * I talked to my parents , and they said it's ok to stay with celesia but I have to go home at 9 p.m sharp .

M : * Her face was red , but when she saw Jake it calmed down * Jake ...... Did you know that there's people call celesia names?????

Jake : yeah , but I thought that she was one of them .... as they continuously called her babe , but when I saw her risking her life to save that child I knew that she wasn't as bad as I thought .

M : * to the nurse * what do you think about transferring to an another school , to stop those kids from saying names to her

N : * about to node agreeing * * Jake interferes *

Jake : who told you that in any school there is no metals or bullies??? who told you that if any one tried to harm her with a word you are protecting her from him by making her simply going to another place , A girl like her who would risk her life to save a child won't be weak in front of those people and if any one tried to harm her with a word I'll stand in his way ..... but transferring to another won't help .

M : * thinks about what he have said * I really appreciate what you have said ... but I can't let my daughter's future in a kids hands because of what he had said .

* the father enters *

The father : No , he is right ... no transferring .

N : but your daughter's situation is very bad .

F : but I agree with the boy now they are in the first of the high school and if she couldn't manage her situations without running from them , she won't be able to live a normal life without hiding ... and this young man isn't a child he offers to stand beside your daughter and you just say no?????

* celesia loses focus , and sleeps *

Later this night celesia' s parents took her home and derived Jake home , and when she wakes up she realizes what the conversation was all about and made up her mind on being that strong girl Jake believes in and her father sees her .

To know what will happen in the school next day add this story to your shelf , and I am very sorry about the crappy grammar and spelling issues .

Hope you have a nice day :)

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