First Things First

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Now I know that the last chapter wasn't very long but I think is was enough to give something to think on! Anyway this is the second chapter!

Warning:Not edited, so if there are any mistakes, comment to let me now cause I will sometimes be in a hurry, so I won't realize it! Thnx!

Oh if you can advertise your books also on my Comments it's okay with me I don't mind, some other people don't allow it but I do so go ahead!


9 Years Ago........

"Daddy,Daddy,Daddy, do you think you can come one to my dance recital tomorrow?" "Of course Peaches, I would be delighted!"



The last thing my real dad promised me before he left my so-called mother. I remember that conversation like it was yesterday, he had just come home from work, my dad was an accountant, and he looked very tiered, he hadn't spoken to mother in 3 days, they would just give each other death glares, and when I would ask I would either get told "go to your room" or "mind your business, this a grown folk situation" , and I thought by asking my dad the question would pull him out of his funk, but turns out that same night my parents fought, as usual, but this time when dad said he was going out he never cam back. I was so delves yard and depressed for an 8 year old, I understood this and when I asked what happened to dad that next morning and all my mom said was "don't worry about it he'll be back later.


3 Years Ago.....

July 23rd, 2010, the days I found out that all this time when my mother would say he isn't coming back, he doesn't want you and he never loved you and so do I, and, your the reason why he left, was actually alive he died that day and I went to confront my mom, all she did was shrug it off like it wasn't important to her, oh and did I mention that she went and got married again and the guy sherries is just awful, no manners, or anything, I just plain flat out hate that man with all of my heart. Also, turns out the reason my dad left was because my mom was having an affair with my now step-father and all this time he was just trying to push my dad away while e was the one providing for us all this time.



My name is Cole Julianna Breanne Stevens and I was born on July 23, 1996, to the one and only Ashley Ann Evens and Miles Jacob Stevens. If you are wondering, yes, I am a love child, my parents never married until after I was born so I'm just an only child, I don't know any of my relatives, I was always kept from them. I only know of what my parents told me and from what I have overheard. But after my father died when I was 14, I have had to live my life in fear, I have been beaten, raped, and call out of my name so many times, not only by the people of my home but also of the people I go to school with. But the only four people who really understands me are my best friends: Paisley Jones, 17 years old female, William "Will" Sanders, 18 years old male, and the twins, Lara and Lenny, identical 16 year olds; they also have different things going at home that are troubling, but I think I win that race, I have the worst of the pack, I won't go into detail of what their problems are but let's just say the only word to sum it all up, "Scares", mentally and physically. Ai don't know what made me think this but in many ways everyone has scars, but with these people it's something different about them. Anyway, these are the people I go to for help,even if it's for advice,or if it's just to talk,anything! Now to give some background on these people:

Paisley McKinzie Jones

emotionally unstable,abusive alcoholic father,2 younger siblings;Nicholas John,8 years old, Zoey Alexis,6,deceased mother,anti-social;

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