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    (Your POV)

    I was use to the cold. I looked at Flowey,he looked cold, so I put my jackit on him.

    "Thanks, your not cold?"
He said.

    "Nope." I said, "let's keep going maybe there is food near by."

  "Y-yeah let's."

      (Time skip)

    Me and Flowey came up on a shack in bad condition.

   "Hey Flowey do you think that shack may have anything uhhh... eatable or nah?"

    "Hmm maybe, we could have a look but we'll​have to be careful he might come ok."

  "K, I'll try to be careful." I put Flowey down by an old lamp that could hide a little human and went behind the shack and it had a lot of mustard and mean a lot of mustard, but there are also what people call hotdogs I think I can't remember.

   "Hey kiddo what do you think your doin' don't yah Know snoopin' in other monsters stuff can and will get yah killed." Dah fuck? Monsters? Maybe they can't see me fully well I am sitting down.

     "Hey brat Ima talkin' to you!" Then red glow starts sronding me and then I'm in the air what. the. actual. fuck. and I thought my "dad" was bad with this kind of shit.

   "FUCK off bitch I will end ya!!" I yell at the person or monster.

    "Well I'ma not the one asking for trouble so you'll be a good little bitch and tell me what are you are doing in my station and way this weed is with you and not Frisk."


   " Really now why not sweetheart?~"

   "I don't know who you are and DON'T call me 'sweetheart' again got it."

   "Heh what ya gonna do love tap me I'd love to see you try sweetheart.~" He drop me, I landed and then round house kicked him in his face well he is slightly taller than me. But one thing I did learn when I was in that hell hole was many ways to fight, then snow fell on him.

     "You need to chill cocky bastard, sorry not sorry.😜"

   "Ok how did you do that and please tell me didn't just say a pun." Flowey said.

    "I did say a pun, and I've always been able to fight." I said.


   "We need to hide now or your as good as dead." 

UF Sans x abused cat readerWhere stories live. Discover now