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" I'm much more me when
I'm with you. "

As Kvet rose she distantly heard the birds chirping, the sun shone through the window glass welcomed, it's rays gently ushering her up.

The girl stretched outward her arms and a gentle smile reached her lips. She expected a very pleasant boy to await her downstairs. She assumed him still deep in slumber and rushed to the bathroom where she showered and brushed her teeth.

This fleeting grin sat atop her lips the entire way, when she picked out her clothes it was there, when she combed through her hair delicately it still sat beside her, awaiting, and even when she opened the music box and hummed to its tune was it still there.

But it faltered. It had diminished as soon as she descended those stairs and found that the love seat was empty, her home was cold, and her guest was gone. Her confusion and hurt was evident as she rushed back to her room, the tune still playing she closed the box abruptly and sat still.

The bed was no comfort, it hugged her body but not in the way Cain would have. She was surprised to say she missed him, she had gotten close to the homeless boy and wished he would've stayed.

She couldn't help but think about him as she hugged her pillow to her chest. Last night she wanted to tell him that he wasn't alone, if he needed her she was there. Who did she have besides Cain, the thought came to her mind as did his face.

His caramel, mocha skin, smooth and radiated heat as he lay beside her. His unruly dark tresses that curled in every which way, a secret grin that nobody knew but her. Her heart fluttered at the thought as she lay back under the sheets and shut her eyes.

The boy was roaming, as always. An occasional dumpster hop here and there, sweat taming whatever unruly curls he couldn't, they stuck to his forehead as the summer sun gave him no mercy or shade.

His breath was light, his heart however, heavy.

He found himself roaming to the one place he had vowed never to go. Leaves crunching underneath his footsteps and the morning chirp of birds had him content to an extent, until he reached a marbled rock that taunted him.

His feverish cheeks were tainted with sweat but a mix of tears found their way too, his heart had dropped and his knees hit the matted dirt, an overgrow of vegetation welcoming him. He dug his palms down into the ground, a mix of grass and dirt as it slowly diminished his anger and grief.

His back lay against the stone and he wept, he wept out his sorrows and asked her for advice. The woman who had cared, the only one who had ever cared. The street rat asked her what he should do, if what he did was right or wrong.

And for a moment he could hear her voice, a soft, honey like voice that was saddened. She had asked him gently, addressing him without scorn in her voice.

"Why are you crying, Cain?" And he wept harder, his shoulders shaking and heart sinking. But the voice did not belong to his caregiver, it belonged to a petite girl with strawberry blonde hair and a heart full of love.

She sat beside him and instinctively he rest his head on her shoulder, his tears soaking through her dress but she did not care. She instead hushed him, rubbing his back in slow circles.

And this had probably been the best comfort he'd ever had, and this girl was probably the first, and only, that he would ever love.

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