Chapter 4~

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Was this really happening? Who was this Brooke girl? She decided to click her profile. But wait!- She DID know this girl! They go to school together! She picked up her phone and called her good friend Kayla.

"Kayla!" She exclaimed.

"What!" Kayla mocked her tone.

"You know Brooke Ambrose, right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

Eve rolled her eyes. "She's such a homewrecker."

"Really?" Kayla questioned. "She's a sweetheart to me"

Eve scowled. Did everyone like this girl? "Oh well I was wondering if you could give me her number. I have to talk to her."

Kayla read her the number, and said she would see Eve in school

Eve paused for a moment, unsure if she should call and flip out. She decided to text.

Eve: Hey Brooke! It's Eve.. I have a something to ask you.

A long pause rode over before an answer.

Brooke: Hey Eve! And sure ask anything you want!

It was weird. Did Brooke know her? She decided not to ask.

Eve: Do you um... like Oliver?

Brooke: I mean.. sure I do. We've been good friends for two years now, but he kinda comes on me too strong, you know? Always trying to flirt with me, and get me to go over his house, touching me and stuff.

Eve got angry fast.

Eve: Yeah well, he was my boyfriend up until a few hours ago.

Brooke: Oh my-! I'm sooo so soo sorry girl. I didn't know at ALL. Oh my gosh, I cant believe that! What a scumbag!

The text seemed sincere but Eve was too mad to be apologetic.

Eve: I know.

The two were texting about how awful he was. Eventually, they became friends. Brooke called Eve and then Oliver on a 3way phone call.

Brooke: Hey Oliver, you have something to explain to me and Emily?

Oliver: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Eve: ...

Brooke: How about.. when you had a girlfriend? That's a good start.

Oliver: I HAD a girlfriend.

Brooke: Since when?

Oliver: We broke up a while ago.

Eve: More like a few hours ago.

Oliver: All I want is yo- Eve?

Eve: Yeah, Im here.

Oliver: I'm sorry.

Eve: Yeah whatever. Why don't you tell Brooke the truth.

Oliver: I am telling the truth. I am single.

Brooke: um...

Eve: Obviously not the whole truth.

Brooke for as nice as she was, became angry with Oliver.

Oliver: Well what part isn't true? I am over you and all tha-

Brooke: ENOUGH!

Eve&Oliver: ...

Brooke: Now I'm sick and tired of this! All of you men are the same! All you want from me is sex! Oliver, you're such a scumbag for what you did. I don't work well with scumbags. You have to have some real testicles to think you would get away with this.

Eve: Brooke.. you okay?

Brooke: No, Im not! I don't need this. Eve, you didn't deserve this. Oliver, burn in hell. No seriously, kill yourself! Nobody likes a cheater!

The a long buzz rolls over the phone. She had hung up. "Well that.. really escalated.." Eve thought to herself, but smiled that her and Brooke were on the same page.  She didn't plan on being friends with this girl being the circumstances, but that doesn't mean she hated her.

Brooke: Hey girl, I'm sorry. Don't let that bring you down, boys are dumb. You deserve better.

Somehow, this brings a smile to Eve's face. She did deserve so much better. But she didn't want better. She wanted him. She didn't care what he did, she knew he felt the same way. He always told her he was alone. He had nobody. Everyone always leaves in the end.

"I'll be your somebody...." She whispered to herself. She missed how she was the only person in a room he would notice. But she decided to brush her feelings aside. Besides, Her "lesbian lover" Macie was coming over soon. She had planned for this whole day to go without a hitch. She shot Macie a quick text

Eve: You know.. sooner then later is better for you to come and stay over you know..

Macie was there within 15 minutes. Eve shared the whole story with her good friend, who was in awe.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to relax. It's all over now at least."

"Yeah.. Try not to think about it."

The two dolled themselves up and took many pictures for their Social Media. "Single Swerg" The captions stated. Eve watched as Oliver liked the photos.. Was he stalking her? Was he doing this in spite of her?

"You look beautiful." Macie watched her, nose in her phone. "Don't worry about him, he'll realize what he's missing." But maybe he had already realized.

He started commenting on the photos.. "Beautiful" , "flawless", "perfect."


"Do you want to watch a movie?" Eve asked, looking for a reason to stop reading the comments. They watch the Breakfast Club, Their favorite movie. Along with that, watched a few horror movies, until it was early morning (about 1:30 am) . They had lay down to sleep. Eve was restless. Did this all happen? 2:30 approached as Macie was fast asleep. Eve started to become tiresome, as her phone rang, shocking her to jump up and grab it. Why was Oliver crying so late?

"Hello?" She asked.

"You little bitch. Wherever you got the idea to tell my son to kill himself, he listened. And if I lose him tonight, I swear I'll put your ass in jail."

~End of Chapter 4~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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