((lovesick)) Underswap

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"*y-y-you st-t-ti--L-l n-need t-t-to find t-the-e-e- o-oth-e-e-r v-vers-i-io-on."
Error opens a portal to a version of Underswap. Red jumps through, without a thought. ((Red the Dauntless?)) Fell blinks, then cartwheels after Red. (( Fell the showoff, everyone.)) M looks at Error, "* what is this one?"

"* A v-vers-i-io-on o-o-f U-Undersw-w-swa-a-a-ap-p-p." M raises a nonexistent eyebrow, "* version of? what's different from the original Underswap?" Error pauses for a moment, "* The brothers."
"* got it, boss. " with that, M casually walks into the portal.

"you can't have [your name]!" U.S Papyrus shouts. "*YOU CAN'T TAKE [YOUR NAME] FROM US!" U.S Sans screams at Fell, Red, and M. Meanwhile, U.S [Your name] lies in blissfully oblivious slumber.

M responds by grabbing U.S Sans and pointing the gun at his skull, "* look, paps, we will kill him and take the mark or you give us the mark. either way... [your name]'s coming with us. "

Red suddenly takes a dislike to that plan, "* we don't wanna kill them, idiot!"
M casually nods in response, "* if I have to, i will. " "ENOUGH ALL READY!!!! " Fell blurts out. "hmm... [your name] or my bro... " Papyrus trails off, only to continue with this: " how about, no." U.S paps lifts M and throws M onto Fell.

Fell gives a warlike growl as he retaliates against U.S Pap's attack. M gets up, dusts his tuxedo off, then loads his gun.
U.S Sans laughs,"*IT WASN'T LOADED THE WHOLE TIME!!!!" ((.-. It was loaded, just missing a few bullets... "*RUSSIAN ROULETTE" U.S Sans, nooo... .-. ))

U.S Sans begins to run from the conflict. M shoots U.S Sans's Achilles heel bone, which makes it very painful for U.S Sans to walk. U.S Sans falls flat on his face in the snow, "*AAAUGGGHHH!!!!!" as Fell, Red, and U.S Paps fight.

U.S paps ultimately gets overwhelmed and goes to heal his Sans. M wastes no time and walks into the house, only to be greeted by a dangerous security system. "pffffffffffffff, you think we wouldn't set up a few security measures in case someone tries to take [Your Name] away?" U.S. Papyrus laughs.

"* !!!! that swinging axe nearly got my nose, literally!" M remarks. ((.0. M lost his casual for a second, there! )) Fell just growls, picks up M, and nearly makes it to [Your Name], but steps on a trapdoor. Red, who did little through the battle, laughs at his Paps and stays outside.

"* i regret nothing." Red claims, as he sits next to M and Fell. "* RED DIDN'T DO THAT MUCH, PAP." U.S. Sans states, to which Pap argues, "guilty by association."

"you're right, bro... but is that reason enough to trust him?" U.S Sans realizes something, "*WAIT A SECOND... DID YOU TAKE RED TO THE CAPTURE ZONE?" "no." Papyrus catches on, "hey, Red Sans, how did you get here?"

"* walked." Red answers, as he pokes Fell. "they're both unconscious." U.S Pap informs Red. "* thaaat explains it." Red replies as he leans back. "*MY QUESTION, RED, IS: WHY?" Red looks at U.S Sans, "* if i'm not next to br- boss when he wakes up he'll assume i'm a traitor and, well..." Red drags a finger across the collar on his neck, then looks down.

"*OH. " U.S. Sans fiddles with the cushion on his chair. "* it's not that bad, really... " Red pauses momentarily, "* living with boss, i mean." U.S Paps decides to ask something, "how well does he treat you?"

"* uh, just fine. why?" U.S Sans speaks up, "* IT JUST DOESN'T LOOK LIKE HE TREATS YOU LIKE A BROTHER SHOULD."
"it seems like he doesn't allow you to acknowledge him as a brother." U.S. Paps adds.

"* why does my well-being concern you?!" Red shouts with sudden aggressive tones. " hey, buddy, calm down. it was just a statement." U.S. Paps tries to calm Red.
Red grabs his unconscious brother's arm, "*i ain't leaving him, even if he's a jerk sometimes."

U.S Sans has stars in his eyes, "*THAT IS ADORABLE, RED!" Red seems taken aback by this statement, "* wh- i ain't cute; i'm supposed to be evil and edgy." U.S Paps laughs. Red grumbles under his breath.

"* PAPS, I REALLY WANT TO MAKE TACOS." U.S Sans whines at his brother. "you need to heal, bro." Paps argues. "*DON'T YOU STILL HAVE THOSE CRUTCHES FROM WHEN [YOUR NAME] TRIPPED DOWN THE STAIRS?" U.S Sans reasons, with no intentions to give up.

"yeah, we still have those. stay here, i'll go get 'em." Paps gives in and begins to walk out. "*i-i'll go with." Red starts to get up, but paps put a gentle yet firm hand on his shoulder and told Red to stay with U.S Sans. Then threatens that if any more harm came to his bro, it would end badly with Red.

"*got it." Red sweatdrops as U.S paps leaves. A pause ensues. Red fiddles with his collar, a nervous twitch. U.S Sans fiddles with the seat cushion, an impatient habit. Finally, U.S Sans speaks, "*RED...?"
"* yeah?" Red replies. "*COULD YOU SIT NEXT TO ME, PLEASE?"

Red could tell that this was a hidden command, not just a polite request. "*uh... s-sure. " Red sits on the floor beside U.S Sans's chair, which rests on the opposite wall from Fell and M.

Suddenly, U.S Sans does the unexpected: he takes the collar off Red. "*-!" Red, startled by this action, checks to see if his collar is still on. "*SHHH, IT'S OKAY. OH... THAT'S... NOT GOOD." Red begins to freak out, "* what? what's not good?!?" U.S Sans attaches a bandage to the back of Red's neck. "*IT'S NOT THAT BAD, JUST... A LITTLE SCRATCH."

"*c-can i have my collar back?" "*NO, IT HURTS YOU." "*b-but i need it." "*YOU DON'T NEED IT." "* b-but boss'll kill me if i'm not wearing it." "*HE CAN'T HURT YOU ANYMORE." "*b-but-" "*DO YOU TRUST ME?"

Red looks around the room, before he answers. "*y-yeah," Red lets out a sigh of relief and reluctance, "* i-i trust ya." U.S Sans then does two more unexpected things: First, he destroys the collar in front of Red.

"*why'd you do that?!? n-now boss's really going to-" Red begins to panic, "*SHHH, RED, IT'S OKAY. TRUST ME." U.S Sans pats Red's skull. Second, U.S Sans tears his scarf and gives half of it to Red.

"*wha-?" Red takes the scarf. "*I KNOW THAT YOU'D WANT SOMETHING TO COVER YOUR NECK BECAUSE YOU'D FEEL ALMOST AS IF YOU WERE NAKED WITHOUT IT. " U.S Sans clarifies, as he fiddles with his half of the scarf. Red stares at his portion of the scarf in disbelief.

"* wh-why are you being so nice to me?!?" Red sheds a tear. U.S Sans only pats Red's back to comfort him. "*YOU DON'T HAVE TO WEAR THE SCARF. AND, IF YOU WANT, WE COULD DYE IT."

U.S Paps walks in with the crutches and sees Red next to Sans, a pile of shredded leather, and two pieces of Sans's scarf. "what happened here?" he questions. U.S Sans answers "* I JUST NOTICED THAT HIS COLLAR WAS DAMAGING HIM." U.S Paps looks at the shredded leather, "was that it?"

Red stares at what was left of his collar and a wave of fresh fear and sadness washes over him. "*HIS BROTHER WASN'T TREATING HIM RIGHT." Red, while he was in the room and aware, could not hear anything over the panic in his mind.

"hey, hey, buddy, it's going to be all right." U.S Paps jolts Red out of his thoughts with a gentle pat on the back. Red returns his attention to the scarf, "* a-are you sure?" "*YES, I'M SURE, RED." U.S Sans pats his back gently, in the hopes of comforting him.

"*i-i just... i..." Red visibly shakes, which causes the U.S brothers to flat-out hug him, "*SHH, IT'S OKAY, SHHH..." U.S Sans uses calm tones. The three of them sit like this until Red falls asleep.

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