Judge:come in.
Kayla:hello judge Jackson
Judge: we can't do this just not here.
Kayla:look no one will be watching
Judge: listen if you think you get a chance to get not guilty then you got another thing coming
Kayla: listen to me we met in a bar , you slept with me how can you pretend nothing happened.
Judge: you can't be serious.
Kayla:okay so your gonna pretend that you was not at the club.
Judge: any louder and I will make sure u get guilty.
The video stopped playing. Unknown pulled out the usb and through it in the envelope.
Kayla woke up and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Her phone beeped.
Unknown: I got a present for you my sweet cakes.
She got up and put on her slippers and went to her mail box. She opened it and their it was the USB. She went back in the house and grabbed her laptop. She inserted the USB and saw the video. She pulled it out and threw it in the trash. Her phone beeped.
Unknown: liked your present.
Kayla: where did you get this.
Unknown: just know I know everything.
Kayla: why do you choose me.
Unknown: just think of it as revenge.
Kayla: what.
Unknown: by the way next time you wanna do someone else's abortion with out license change your name.
Kayla: is this Trisha, if it is you are a sleazy little.
Unknown: I'm not Trisha either.
Kayla: I will find out who this is and when I do you'll wish you never did this.
Unkown: also to top it off how's your "baby" I mean hey your boyfriend leaves you and knocks your sister up.
Kayla: leave me alone
Kayla: how ever you are get out of my life.

Teen FictionEver get an unknown message and don't respond , but what if you did get this on message that changes your life