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•Kid: No fuck that nigga i'm not doing that shit.

•Deshaun: Fine suit Yourself, i'm hitting this weed whether you like it or not. *begins to inhale blunt*

•Kid: Man why do you always do this were not even out of school yet and you wanna smoke.

•Deshaun: Yeah i mean why not bro *Kanye Shrugs*

•Kid: I'm just not into that. I'm leaving. Peace nigga i'll see you later.

*Begins to walk away*

SCENE 1: Inside of The kids House. 1 Year Later. 2013 - SUMMER

The kid is sitting down on an old red couch that has plastic over it to keep it clean. He has a glass of koolaid in his right hand, a phone in the other, and the T.V. is on displaying a show on B.E.T.

The room is a total mess, it has clothes he wore from the past month just laying around, and he seems to be completely calm. A knock on the door rings through his ears. * Boom, Boom, Boom *

•Kid: Woah what the fuck? *rubs his eyes*

Door gets knocked on again, but louder this time. *Boom, Boom, Boom*

The kid decides to just stay seated in the couch and begins to close his eyes. As if the knocking from the door was a soothing lullaby. The door suddenly opens. Two girls, both are friends with the kid and are walking into his house. Just so you know his mother isn't home.

•Regina: Oh my god look at him he's so cute when he's asleep! *nudging her friend Valeria as they laughed*

•Valeria: Lets wake him up! He's supposed to hang out with us on his birthday anyway.

•Regina: Fine. Lets wake his sleepy ass up. *she shakes the kid slowly yet fast*

•Kid: AHHHH!!! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING IN MY HOUSE!!!! *Jumping up from the couch flinging his phone in the air along with the remote*

•Regina: Calm down were here to chill remember?

•Kid: yeah yeah yeah... i remember. *calming down. sits back down.*

•Valeria: So guess what i brought!

•Kid: What?

•Valeria: Ok i know your straight edge and usually you don't do this but i thought maybe for your birthday...we could.. smoke some weed? *pulling out papers, a lighter, and an ounce of weed*

•Kid: WOAH WOAH WOAH! Stop right there.

•Regina: Come on! Its your birthday anyway!

•Valeria: Pweeeeeese *making a sad yet cute face*

•Kid: Fine.

•Valeria & Regina: YEAH!!! *shouting in unison*

Valeria begins to roll a blunt, licking left to right to close the seams. She then pulls out a lighter, lights up, and puts it in her mouth. She inhales, and instead of letting the smoke out, she signals to the kid to come closer to her.

•Kid: What is it? What ha-

Valeria puts her and his lips together, she passes the smoke through her mouth to his.

•Kid: Ahh what the fuck Val' ugh that shits weird. *coughing*

•Valeria: That was just an excuse to kiss you. *she smiles*

The kid then began to notice that Regina and Valeria started to take off there jackets. Maybe they were hot? They began to undress. The weed began to hit the kid hard, making everything feel better. They started to kiss on the kid. The kid is starting to feel like clouds are around him. Then he blacks out.

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