Chapter 12: Angel with a Shotgun

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Any plan that the four of us could come up with had no guarantee that they would work. In fact, I could even place a bet putting a high amount of money at stake that we would come out as losers. Not to mention I was pretty sure we all felt similarly, which prevented us from suggesting anything at all-none of us wanted to become the scapegoat of a backfired plan.

Koizumi was the only one here with the balls to put forth ideas, of which his preferred plan consisted of dragging Miss Asahina into this mess.

"No way." I stated firmly and clearly.

My loud objection brought forth a couple of seconds silence from my stunned audience. Koizumi's eyebrow was raised in surprise. "Why the strong objection? If you were under the impression that I would use her for some sort of disgraceful purpose, you've got the wrong idea."

He was trying so hard to make me seem like a stubborn overprotective idiot, I just knew it. I wasn't under any sort of impression that Koizumi was going to hurt Miss Asahina in any way- that was more Haruhi's doing if anything. I was merely just hesitant to get her involved in something so gruesome.

Koizumi sighed dramatically and looked off into the distance. "But I do understand your concern Kyon. Here I was only thinking that having Miss Asahina by our side would have been the easiest way to protect her," his eyes darted back to me. " it not?"

Damn it he had a point. And quit with the dramatics would you? It's cringeworthy.

Reading my resigned expression, Koizumi smiled. "Now that we're all on the same page, I say we give her a call." He looked back at me as if he was teasing me further. "Would you do the honours?"

Grumbling, I took out my team phone. I wasn't complaining about talking to Miss Asahina and in fact if anyone else said they'd do it, I would insist I do it myself. I was reluctant to take orders from Koizumi however. Who the hell even left him in charge? And how was Haruhi completely fine sitting back and watching him? I questioned her on that.

Unfortunately, she looked at me as if I was stupid. "Koizumi is the brigade vice-commander after all, so why wouldn't he? Especially when I, your sacred figurehead, is under the weather like this!"

Surely she had recovered enough by now past the nausea to actually start calling some of the shots. But I calmly refrained myself from mentioning anything on the subject. To be honest, it was a bit insensitive of me to think like this when I didn't even see the corpse myself. In fact, I kind of regretted mentioning anything at all. Besides, maybe this was for the best though, with Koizumi in charge we might actually have a sound and effective plan with minimal amount of crazy.

I swallowed my pride and gave in to Koizumi's demands. The whole situation was too overwhelming to let Asahina roam alone, even if she was with Tsuruya, I tried to convince myself. Yes. I guess I was making the right decision.

Here goes.

I gave Miss Asahina a call. Her delay in picking up caused me to overthink the situation, worrying if she had been caught in any trouble, but after a couple of rings she picked up much to my relief.

"Change of plans, Haruhi, Nagato, Koizumi and I are going to regroup with you and Miss Tsuruya. Is that alright?" I made myself cringe at the fact I went from sternly demanding on behalf of Koizumi to politely asking for her consent to the plan. Whether she liked it or not, we were coming to keep an eye on her.

"Wha?... Umm, I guess that is alright then. If that is what Koizumi and Miss Nagato want, then i'm ok with it." She replied as she stumbled over her words a little. "We're in Class 2-7."

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