Chapter 13

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It was a little bit late in the afternoon but thinking that it was a perfect time for afternoon tea, Zeref decided to make himself, Lucy, and Nagi cups of tea knowing that they were about to come home soon. Just on time, the door opened.

"Welcome back, Lucy. Nagi," Zeref smiled as he set the porcelain teapot down.

"I'm back, Zeref," Lucy replied. Nagi ran up to Zeref with a jovial expression.

"Guess what, guess what!" Nagi exclaimed, jumping up and down repeatedly. "Mama won us a trip to Ryuzetsu Island for free!"

Zeref looked up at Lucy with a rather surprised expression in which Lucy chuckled nervously in reply. But he soon replaced it with a pleased smile seeing how happy Nagi was. Zeref picked up Nagi in one arm and the tea tray with the other, leading the two of them to the outdoor garden. The three of them took a seat within the gazebo, making themselves comfortable. White sofas and cushions decorated the interior of the gazebo as silk curtains and pearls adorned the outside. The scent of roses surrounded them as they enjoyed themselves to their afternoon tea and some side snacks.

"So when are you guys going?" Zeref asked. "I'll get your stuff ready as soon as the date is set. Also, tell me how many days you'll be gone so that way, I'll know how much food to keep in the estate for Wendy, Carla, and I."

Lucy looked at Zeref with the most annoyed expression ever. Zeref blinked with a smile still smeared on his face. Did I say something wrong?

"Zeref, you're also coming along with us," Nagi said, stating the obvious.

After a moment, Zeref stood up, causing the tea cups and pot to clatter on the table. "Nonononoono, I'm not going. Definitely not going," Zeref immediately responded.

"Why?" she asked. "It's a trip for three."

"You should take someone else along. With me going there, it'll just cause problems if someone notices me," Zeref said grimly.

He was aware of the fact that the whole entire country of Fiore feared him and bore contempt against him. He was not welcome in this country by its people and citizens and he fully understood why. After all, his past deeds couldn't be easily forgiven. But after meeting Lucy a thousand years ago, he changed for the better and opened up to someone. Someone who truly understood his pain and suffering. His curse had been eased with the help of Lucy and after all she's done for him, he didn't want to cause her any trouble. He cared for her too much to bring trouble to her again like that one time.


"What are you doing Zeref?" a high-pitched voice called out from behind the dark-haired boy who sat underneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree.

"Just enjoying the sound of the wind," Zeref replied. His pair of dark eyes staring into the pair of brown eyes that stood above him. Her luscious golden hair hung at her waist and her rose flower wreath situated itself upon her head. The wind blew, blowing her satin white dress in the direction of the wind. She took a seat next to Zeref and gazed at the sky.

"What are you staring at Lucy?" he asked.

She sat there in silence before she finally spoke up. "Nothing much. Just wondering how the people in the other dimensions are doing."

"Hmmm," he muttered before going silent again. The young boy and girl were of the same height but of different characteristics. They were like exact opposites of one another and yet, they suited each other so well. Like they were meant to be together. They were two children who found each other's company agreeable.

"Have you ever wondered what a thousand years would be from now?" Lucy asked, staring at Zeref with her eyes that contained all the knowledge of the universe.

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