Chapter 22

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Angie's P.O.V

Me and German talked to Ludmilla she was okay with everything so that was awesome but I can't get the conversion I over heard between German and Ramallo what is he hiding from me what can it be.

Some time past bye it was already time to go to sleep I decided I would not sleep in Germans room today but I will sleep in mine because he is mad at me and he is hiding stuff I know I am to but still.

I got ready and got into bed but before I could turn off my lamp someone knocked on my door.

A: come in. I said

German came in

G: why are you here

A: because its my room

G: I mean why are you here and not in mine

A: I decided it will be better if I slept here today

G: why

A: maybe you need some space

G: from you never

A: okay

G: is something wrong I notice you have been acting weird since earlier  today.

A: I'm fine don't worry

G: are you sure

A: yeah

        3 months later      

Its been three months now and everything has been great between me and German no one knows still and well I'm still trying to find out what German is  hiding but I can't seem to find anything so yeah.

Today me and Lucia will be going back to France don't worry German knows he said he will try to come and visit every chance he gets.

We are at the airport well in the plane now we said our goodbyes to everyone I felt like crying but I didn't Lucia and jack did Jack cried because he will miss his girlfriend and also violetta and Lucia cried because she will miss everyone.

         4 years later       

Me and German broke up 3 years ago he still comes but only for Lucia she is 5 now but she is sad because she hasn't seen German in a year that's why I decided me and her go back and visit them all it will be hard for me to see HIM again but I can do it I'm  strong I finally found out what he was hiding he was cheating on me with someone it took me a year to find out but I did that's why we broke up.

Mine and Lucia's plane landed we got our suitcases and headed towards the taxi I told the driver the address to HIS house and he drove us there. Lucia is very happy to be here as she is  gonna turn 6 in four days she wanted to spend it with her dad and sister and uncle Leon yep you heard right Leon he got married with violetta they are both happy and I'm happy for them to.

We arrived at HIS house after sometime I paid the driver and took our bags out of the trunk and I stood outside the door of HIS home I'm scared to even knock I didn't knock Lucia did she was jumping up and down waiting for someone to open the door when someone did I saw it was HIM German Lucia jumped on him she was happy to see him I guess.

G: hello princesses how are  you? He asked Lucia as he had her in his arm still

L: good daddy I missed you so much. She said

G: me to princess

G: hello Angie how are you

A: good you

G: good

L: daddy I'm almost this much. She said as she showed him with her fingers

G: I know you are so big now

When they were talking I got a phone call it was Austin my boyfriend so I went out to take the phone call

       Phone Call        

Au: how was the plane

A: good how is everything over there

Au: horrible without you  and Lucia

A: aww baby I miss you to but its only for a few

Au: I know sweets but I still miss you

A: I know but remember just a few

Au: I know I love you

A: I love you to

Au: I love you more

L: mommy were are you. Said Lucia yelling from the inside

A: I love you more buy I have to go as you can hear

Au: okay sweets

       End Of Phone Call      

I went back inside and sat in the couch across German and Lucia

L: mommy where did you go

A: I was outside talking to Austin sweety

L: oh okay mommy how is he

A: good he misses you

L: I miss him to

G: Lucia who is Austin

L: Mommy's boyfriend

G: you have a boyfriend

A: yeah

G: oh cool

I know short chapter but a lot has changed with all of them what is gonna happen next???

This book will end in two or three more chapters who is excited to see what happens next???

Thank you all so much for all the support I am really thankful for everything really.

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