Chapter 9

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Craigs POV

After leaving the hospital I was so pissed off and so upset that Tweek wouldn't rat on the assholes who did this so I would be "safe". I don't think he even remembers what I used to do for him. I'll be fucking fine. And I can't believe he just... he was hit so low that he's questioning my feelings towards him. But regardless of what Tweek said I headed back to school.

I walked in at around 3rd period and began to go threw the classes asking people about what had happened. No one was willing to tell me who the fuck beat him up. But everyone knew it happened.

As the bell to end the day rang I was so frustrated and sighed as everyone was leaving I stood outside leaning on the back of the building. My shoe gripping the brick as I watched my smoke and steamy breath enter the cold air and I was so upset. I looked at my hand which was still wrapped. I really broke it do it was in the right place sure it was painful but I was just so angry. Pain kept me senses straight. It's all I had to grip onto so Tweek didn't look at me like a fucking maniac "hey gay boy. I heard you were looking for me" I heard a disgusting voice say as he walked over to me with his annoying friends

"For fuck sakes" I mutter and throw my cigarette on the ground stepping on it as I turn to them "What the fuck did you want now" he asked and he was now infront if me. He smelt of cheesy puffs and sweat. Not an attractive mix at all.

"I heard you were looking for me gay boy. What you trying to suck my dick!" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh. I wondered ... could you find his little pinky under all that fat

"Whats so funny faggot" said one of his little followers as I just rolled my eyes and cracked my knuckles not showing the pain I felt in my hand

"Look I've got places to be" I say as I push off of the wall and push past one of them. I began walking to my car while I hear them yelling slurs and homophobic comment

"I SENT HIM TO HE HOSPITAL EH" I hear and that's when my feet slam to a halt... did he say "I". No way he just fucking said I... but that's all that makes sense. Cartman always had it out for Tweek. "I should have killed that retarded faggot" he screams at me and that's when I completely snap for the day. I couldn't contain my anger. I literally felt something inside of me snap and all of a sudden I lost control as I stormed fast towards him and he had a stupid grin on his face before my fist wiped it right off.

Soon a huge brawl broke out. Me against three guys, people piled around in a circle "WORLDSTAR!" They screamed as I was completely blacked out and I was just pounding them. Sure I took a bunch of hits. But soon Cartman was out and blood was splattered in my face and my knuckles hurt more then ever. The more I hit the more angry I got until all three of them were passed out on the ground.

I stumbly stood up and wiped the blood from by upper lip which had come from my nose. Everyone was quiet utterly shocked to see the brutal beating I delivered to the homophobic pieces of shit and I looked around at the shocked group.

Girls were holding their boyfriends who comforted them showing safety as they all starred me down... didn't they understand. What if their girlfriends got beaten so badly they were in the hospital. Depressed and blaming themselves.... fucking forget it they'd never understand!

I quickly made my way to my car running as I got in and instantly drove off. I knew someone would have called 911 and I couldn't be there. I went home and straight to the shower as I stripped the bloody cloths and looked at my hand. One purple and black and the other covered in busted knuckles.... what have I honestly gotten myself into this time.

I stripped and make my way into the shower as I rebroke my nose and let the water wash over my face.... I closed my eyes and I couldn't help but imagine Tweek being gang beat and reaching out his hand begging and screaming for one person anyone even a cat to just hear him... but he was alone... in pain. He was probably so scared. He probably couldn't breath.... "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD" I scream and I just collapse to my knees and sob as my sister in grade 9 rushes in

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