Chapter 10

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Mystery's Pov

We are on horses heading towards HQ. Oh how I missed this place so much. To see my friends and my family. Just thinking about them makes my heart ache in joy. Coming to a sudden halt I looked up and snapped out of my thoughts and saw we have arrived.

Hopping off the horse and petting its main, I walked up to my old home.

"I missed this place..." I said in a low whisper. But apparently a certain short shit heard me.

"You have been here before?" Levi asked me.

"Um. Ya...actually I have.." I said, trusting him more than the others because he had the looks of my father. He made me feel more at home.

"Were you a Cadet here?" He asked as if questioning me like a criminal.

"No...had family wouldn't understand." I said frustrated and sighed about to stomp off, but Levi grabbed my hand before I could.

"I do understand. Way more than you think I do." He said looking down to the grown, letting his hair cover his eyes. I nodded and pulled myself out of his grip. He slumped a little when I did. But was even more surprised when I gave him a hug. He then stiffened. Not knowing what to do.

I pulled away after what felt like a long time and walked into the HQ. The Cadets were carrying my stuff inside to my new room. I saw Levi pass me and walk into a room next to me. I assumed I was placed next to him for caution purposes. Sighing I walked down to the training room with my scythe in hand. I was told during supper that I would be introduced to everyone. But I was warned that they hated people from the underground.

Sighing I opened the room to the training equipment and went into the bathroom to get changed into my work out clothes which consisted of a t-shirt and boxing shorts.

Walking out and getting on some gloves I walked over to the punching bags.





The only sound heard from the room was the sound of skin on a punching bag. I eventually broke the bag, making the sand that was inside spill and fly everywhere. Sighing frustrated I got a broom and a dust pan to clean the sand up from the ground.

After getting the mess cleaned up I heard a clap. I turned my figure fast around, to see Levi.

"Aggression. Not the best way to fight." He said.

"Just trying to release some stress..." I said walking to a bench and grabbed a hand towel and wiped off the sweat on my fore head.

"Stress. From what?" He asked curiously.

"Everything." I said sighing and sitting down lowering my head.

"Earlier you said you missed this place, assuming you used to live here because of family or something like that. Who is it you miss?" He asked sitting next to me.

"My dad." I said.

"No Mom?" He asked once again.

"My original parents were killed during a Titan attack on one of the walls. A man found me. Took care of me. Raised me as his own." I said.

"What about you. Earlier you said you knew the feeling I'm feeling. Who is it you miss?" I asked.

"My daughter. She...I don't know if I can trust you with this secret." He said looking at me.

"I trust you with my own. A secret for a secret. Anything you need to know that I won't tell others." I said with a serious tone and face.

"I'll ask your question first. What gender are you really?" He asked. I froze but keeping my word I told him.

"Female." I said. He then looked at me surprised.

"But you don't have breasts one moment then do the next?" He said.

" I wrap my chest up some days." I say. He then got the 'oh' face on.

" my turn. What happened to the person you miss?" I asked.

"She had to run away. The MP's and capital were after her for 'attempt murder'. She ran to the underground and I haven't seen her sense. The only thing I have to remember her bye is this bracelet she gave me when she was 1 for my birthday." He said. He then played with something on his left wrist. Everything he said sounded like me. And his bracelet is the same as mine. I then looked to my right wrist and looked back to him with wide eyes.

"Dad....." I asked with tears brimming my eyes.
I then showed him my bracelet that matched his.

"Y/n...." he said in disbelief.

Levi's Teenager [Book Two of the Levi's Daughter series]Where stories live. Discover now