Chapter 3

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Chapter 3- Besties and Beasts

" If you're going to make me a piece in your game, don't be surprised if I decide to f*cking play"

I think that pride has a very large part in our world.

Pride is the monster that changes angels into devils.

Pride is the monster that can keep two star struck lovers apart.

Pride is the parent of destruction.

Yet, the definition of pride is a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own or another's achievements.

Pride is seen as probably the most deceiving and worse out of The Seven Deadly Sins.

Pride. Lust. Envy. Wrath. Gluttony. Greed. Sloth.

So many options yet, pride is still seen as one of the worst things a human can do.

But sometimes, in places like ours, pride is the only chance of surviving.

Nobody dares questions a mans pride.

Because he might be left with a bullet in his skull.

Pride equals respect.

And respect adds to pride.

It's an ever lasting cycle.

Over and over again.

It never ends.

I would say that I am a proud person.

Purely because I am not proud of everything I have done. I know my flaws and I know my weakness'.

I am proud of my knowledge.

I am proud of having my own meaning.

I've been called rebellious, wrong, a black sheep, different... Because I refuse to be what everyone else is. Because I stand by my beliefs.

I always have and I always did.

Maybe pride isn't always a bad thing... maybe it's a good thing that's just persevered as bad by people who refuse too perceive it.



" Hmmm?"

" Do you trust me?" I questioned.

" No." He answered in a heartbeat, causing a small smirk to tattoo itself onto my face.

" Smart man." I stated, yet my heart ached painfully.

What the hell.

" Why do you want to talk to them all again?" Brooke asked, gesturing to the room where I knew his entire gang were waiting.

" I need to let them all know something."

Without hesitation, I strolled straight into the room and went up to the podium.

" Some of you will recognise me, others won't. My name is Alexi Clarke and I'm known for being the second in a gang called The Vipers. Your boss has asked me to help you fight your rival gang, who seem to have a large reputation around here. They've made protests and have stated that they aim to take everything over and be in charge of us all." I looked over at the faces before me, " They think they can control us." I raised my voice. " They think they can censor what we think and make us submit to their harsh desires." I peered out over the desperate crowd, anger now pulsing through my veins. " We will show them how wrong they truly are."

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