I Will Always Love You

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I did it! Finally! I found her. It took me years to find where she was, and now I can actually come to her. I now know where my love is, my long-lost love. I could just picture her beautiful face and sweet smell. 

Right away I take out a paper I've had folded in my back pocket, and a pen just for her. I smile, thinking back to the times we shared together. She didn't see me like a brother like most of the girls did. She saw me as a best friend and true love. I'd like to pour out everything to her in one letter, but sadly there won't be enough space. Without hesitation I begin to write. 

My Love, 

I love you. I can't even begin to express the feelings you make me feel. You're like the sun, giving life meaning and beauty. Your voice is just like a beautiful melody. I want you to know I have always loved you. From middle school when we first met, to high school when you went missing and left me and the rest of our friends and families. I remember the first day I met you as we were both 6th graders in middle school. I remember when you first talked to me in our Language Arts class about the fine arts, and we slowly began to get closer to each other. From that moment on, I could feel inside of me how perfect you are for me. I remember the feelings were mutual, and you loved me too. For years even up until 10th grade when you left we worked so well together on homework, video games, music, art, strategies, and all kinds of things. In ancient times people believed that originally two people were one person, but then they were all split up, and they had to spend so much time searching for their matching piece. You're my matching piece. During the day I would look forward to getting to see your amazing smile, and hear your amazing laugh. At night I would dream about spending my life with you, traveling the world, living under a house together, starting a family. In fact, I still do think and dream about you. Do you remember the time in the 8th grade when we worked on a painting together? I remember it as vividly as ever. I drew a house that we could live in, and you painted it. The house was isolated, representing how it would be us two together with nothing more and nothing less. Now, every single time I close my eyes I see your gorgeous soft white skin, your soft and wavy light brown hair, and your sweet light brown eyes that glimmer in the light. When I close my eyes I drown out the rest of the world and hear your gentle voice telling me to come and find you, so we can be together forever, and be happy. To this very day I still look at pictures of us together. My favorite is the one we took when I took you to the beautiful, shiny. clear lake near what was my house then. Sadly, I no longer live in the place where we shared all of our memories of going to different places, dancing, creating amazing pieces of art, and laughing at our mistakes together, but I don't need to. You've created an everlasting print on my heart and soul. I promise I will find you and reach out to you, so we can fulfill what we were meant to do. I'll most likely find you tomorrow night, but tonight doesn't sound like a bad idea either. I just know that I will do it sometime soon. I'm running out of space on this paper, but I still need to tell you more. I'll save it for when we're together in person. Just please remember that I love you with everything that I am, everything that I have, and everything that I was and ever will be. You are the one for me. 

With all of my love, Your Love

I drop the letter onto the dirt patch in front of the stone with words carved into it, and leave the graveyard. 

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