Chapter 3 - say yes?

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I walked in the door to see Maddy lying on the kitchen bench, she slid of the bench and pulled me to the couch. "TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!!! OMG did you..? no..?" I laughed at her "no we didn't do anything, he put me to bed last night and then this morning I got up and made him breakfast. also much to your delight I left him my phone number. but more importantly what happened with you last night!?" she looked at me while pinching her nose. "okay well I don't actually remember anything from last night, but Harry woke me up this morning with a cup of coffee and told me he had to leave so idk what happened, could have been anything." I laughed "knowing you, it's more than likely that something happened." she laughed. I got up and walked towards my bedroom I took of my jacket and shoes and walked into the bathroom across the hall, I close the door and start taking off my clothes. I look down at Niall's shirt, a pick it up, it smells just like him. I put the shirt down and hop in the shower, the warm water feels so relaxing and it gives me a chance to think about everything that's happened.


I typed in Sophie's number and put the phone to my ear, by the third ring she picked up.

"hey red?"

"um hi no this is Maddy, Sophie is in the shower at the moment."

"oh okay that's fine, it's actually good I needed to talk to you anyway. I need your help."

"alright what's up."

I explained the entire date to Maddy and what parts I needed her and the boys to help me with.

"wow Niall that is amazing, Sophie is going to love it. "

"thanks love, you can't tell her I've called btw so just let me know when she's out of the shower and I'll call her again."

"alright bye Niall."

"bye love"

I put the phone down and look at the boys, "that was Maddy she's going to let me know when Sophie's out of the shower. I'm so nervous to ask her Liam." Liam smiled at me "proper nervousness like."


I hoped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself, I picked up my clothes and walked to my bedroom. I chucked the clothes on my bed and walked down to the lounge where I could here my phone ringing. I picked up my phone and answered.

"hey Irish, how's things."

Maddy wiggled her eyebrows at me, I poked my tongue out at her.

"I'm alright love, anyway I was just wondering if you were busy tomorrow night.."

I blushed at the floor and Maddy laughed at me, I kicked her in the leg and she walked out of the room.

"well I actually have a date tomorrow with my very good friend tumblr tomorrow night, however I might change my mind if I got a better offer."

I could here him laughing at me,

"well my fair lady I wish to take you out tomorrow evening, nothing special just coffee, I would just like the chance to get to know you better."

"well my kind sir you have one my heart with your kind offer, what time shall I see you tomorrow night?"

I can hear him smiling,

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow at 5:30, text me your address later, have a nice day love."

"you too Irish."

I hung up the phone and sat down on the coach, I couldn't believe Niall just asked me on a date.

_ _ _ _ _ _

I walk out of my bedroom with a worried look on my face, Maddy is standing in the hall way and she clamps her hands over her mouth, "oh god do I look that bad." I turned around to walk back into my roo to change again but Maddy grabbed my arm. "no Sophie you look amazing, Niall isn't going to know what hit him." I smiled at her, I was wearing a long sleeved maroon velvet dress, black tights my creepers and my black jacket. Maddy smiled the biggest smile back at me "Alright Hun I'm sorry I've got to go but I promise you'll be fine." she gave me a big hug and walked out the front door. I hoisted my self up onto the kitchen bench. about 10 minutes later at 5:30 on the dot I was interrupted from my thoughts by a tapping at the window. I walked over and opened the window and leaned out to see what the sound was, four stories down Niall is standing under my window with a hand full of pebbles. I laughed at him and he smiled, "just give me a second." I ran over to the front door and locked it, I grabbed my bag and walked back over to the window, " Niall catch!" I threw my purse down to him and he caught it, I climbed out the window onto the ledge below, closing the window as I started to climb down, "you're mental." Niall said laughing at me. I jumped off the last ledge and landed on the pavement I front of Niall, he grabbed me to steady my landing, I laughed "yes but that's what you love about me." He smiled and I wrapped my arm in his, "lead the way Prince Charming." he blushed and we started walking down the street. We walked around the corner and he led me into the coffee shop that we met in. I smiled at him as he led me to a table in the far corner of the cafe, he walked over to the counter and ordered. He came back with two drinks and a passion fruit macaron, which was my favourite flavour.

_ _ _ _ _ _

We had been sitting talking in the coffee shop for 2 hours and I was having the best time. Niall stood up and offered his hand, I took it and he led me out of the coffee shop. We walked down the street and it the laundromat, I laughed at him, "Niall I have had the most wonderful time tonight, thank you." he smiled at me and leaned in so our lips were almost touching "I'm glad love." he leaned in and kissed me, it was a sweet kiss but had a lot of feeling in it. He walked out of the laundromat and I was left standing there by myself. He popped his head back around the door "oh one more thing love have a look in the machine. he smiled and then walked off. I laughed at him as I walked over to the same machine I washed my top in. I slowly opened the lid and I clamped my hands over my mouth. the machine was full of my favourite flower, blue orchards and sitting on the top was a brand new teenage mutant ninja turtles tee shirt, the same one that got ruined the day we met. I could feel tears forming I my eyes, this is the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me.

-Authors note-

hey sorry for all the submissions at the same time, I was feeling inspired.

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