The one night of love{Part 2}

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~Macy POV~
"Dad?" I asked as I opened the door to his room.
"Macy." He said as he turned around to face me.
"What is it dad?" I asked.
"Okay listen,I want you to celabrate you 2 year aniversary the way you want but,the problem is that the ball is in fine days. If it was at least two weeks I would change the date but right now I can't so that. I'm sorry but thats the way it is." He said. I sighted and said:
"Fine,I guess. But that means I have to go to the ball,right?"
"Yes,yes it does. You can go now I have to try the food they made." He said walking out the door,leaving me alone in the room. With nothing more to do I got out of the room and went to the Fortrex.
~3rd POV~
"You mean we are gonna have to wear dresses!!!?? Ugh!!!",Crystal shouted trying to act like Macy.
"Ahm...Nicely played",Ava said anoyed by the child-ish adults.
"Come on! Live a little,when your our age your gonna regret sitting around that copmuter the whole day",Ruby said eating another slice of the pizza they had just ordered.
"Hey guys!",Macy said as she came in to the Fortrex.
"How was the talk?",they asked her.
"Not too bad. But I still have to go to the ball. Which is really anoying", Macy said sitting beside Clay.
"It's okay we can do it the day after", Clay said as he kissed her cheek.
"I hate you",she mumbled under her breath.
"Okay girls!!!! Lets go shoping!!!!", Crystal yelled as she jumped from her seat.
"Okay",Ava said plainly.
"Yeah,lets whatever",Naida agreed.
"Guys! I'm not going!",Macy yelled.
"You sure? You would rather have to wear a stupid long pink dress? Or would you rather pick an outfit yourself?",Naida asked as she cheecked her phone.
"Fine,but what about my dad?",she asked.
"We told your mother you'd be with us and that we would pick an outfit together and she agreed. Now lets go!!!", Crystal yelled as she speed off with Ava,Macy and Naida following her.
"You coming?",Naida asked Ruby.
"But I want to finish my pizza!!",she complained. Naida just looked at her,took her hand and ran off.
"Bye!!",they yelled as they ran out the Fortrex.
"Don't worry Ruby I'll finish your pizza!!!!",Axl yelled as he took the last slice of pizza,while the other guys laughed.
"Now lets get ready!",Lance yelled.
"Fine",the rest of them replied as they went out to get some fancy clothes.
Both the girls and the boys were runing around the mall like crazy trying to find something to wear. Since they were kinda late on going shoping most of the things were sold out,which just made things even more dificult.
"We have nothing!!!!",Macy screamed.
"We'll find something,don't worry so much",Crystal said looking around the store trying to find something.
This is geting really boring",Ava said as she tried to find the Wi-Fi signal.
"Yeah only cuz you found yourself something to wear!",Macy said anoyed.
"How about you stop screaming so much?" Naida asked clearly anoyed by them.
"Girls!!! The guys are coming!! Hide!", Ruby screamed as they all hid behind the clothing,while the guys passed by.
"That was close",Crystal said.
"Obviously!",Ava and Macy yelled at her.
"Ugh,lets just get the colothes and leave",Naida said looking through the dresses.
"Girls,do you think orange looks bad on me?",Ruby asked.
The rest of the girls looked at eachother not knowing what to say.
"Um....Why don't you try it?",Macy said.
"Okay!",Ruby yelled and went in to the dreesing room.
"Hey Macy,you like red right?" Crystal asked.
"Yeah,why?",Macy asked.
"Well we kinda found a red dress, a black jacket and red and black shoes. Is that good?" Naida asked as Crytal showed her the outfit.
".....That looks...really good for a dress, maybe I could try it.",she said staring at the dress.
"Guys!! What do you think?",Ruby asked walking out of the dressing room.
"Ummmmmmm.....",the rest of the girls said in usion.
"Yeah,it's nice. But I think this dress would be better",Ava said showing Ruby a grey and purple dress.
Ruby just stared at it,and then took it in the dressing room.
"Well,Macy try that outfit on and then we have to leave",Ava said.
"Okay",she said and walked in to change.
"Well,Naida what are you gonna wear?" Crystal asked.
"I'll find skmething at home,I have way too many things I have never worn",Naida answerd.
"Girls!! What do you think?"Macy and Ruby asked.
"Good,now lets go home!",Ava yelled.
"Alright,colm down",the rest of them told her.
*time skip*
~Macy POV~
We were in the car,driving back home. Well Naida was driving,well more like staying in place for 10 minutes and then going over the speed limit. Somehow we never got cought.
"We're stuck!!!!!!!!!!",Naida yelled at the top of  her lungs.
"Stuck in what?",asked Ruby.
"In trafic,what ither stupid questions do you have to ask?",she answerd.
"Okay you don't have to be so mean", I said.
"Tell that to the girl that is always poking my arm,"she said looking at Crystal.
"Ugh!"we all sighted.
*40 minutes later*
"Finally!!!!!!",Naida yelled as she started speeding again.
"Remind me why we let her drive again?",I asked.
"Cuz we get home faster this way,and we never get cought",Ava answerd.
"Can we hurry up then?",I asked.
"The speed limit is 70 miles per hour, I'm going 105. And I bet the only reason you want to go home is becsuse you want to kiss your boyfriend",Naida answerd.
"You suck!",I yelled blushing.
"Your life sucks",she replied calmly as the other girls laughed.
"Guys",Crystal said as she stoped laughing,"I think I just lost a bet and I have to give Lance $30."
Then we all just stayed silent,exept Ava who bursted out laughing.
"Well,looks  like you aren't buying Aaron an XBox anyway",she said.
*time skip*
~Clay POV~
"We are back!!!!!",I heard the girls yell as they walked through the door.
"Well took you long enough,who ever was driving was a total idiot",Lance said.
"Your insults really don't bother me Richmond",Naida replied taking out some soda out the fridge.
"Yeah,it's geting stupid,oh wait it was always stupid",Macy said siting down next to me.
"You got that one right",I agreed.
"So did you guys find anything?",Aaron asked.
"Yup",they said.
"No,you?",Naida said.
"How come we can all find something, but you never can. Or are you just poor and wont admit it?",Lance asked her.
She just gave him a blank stare and said:"You wanna go,you asshole?"
"No",he said as he looked away from her.
"I'm still upset about the whole ball thing",Macy wispered to me.
"Don't worry,it'll be just fine",I wispered back.
"It better be",she replied.
"It will",I said and kissed her as the rest of the grup stared at us,wjile some just turned around and left the others just yelled "Aaaawwww".
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*time skip*
"I still can't belive you have a girlfriend and I don't. I mean I am perfect in every way,shape and form!", Lance yelled at me.
"No you are not",I replied.
"Ugh!!!",he yelled and stormed out of the room,while the rest of the guys and me laughed.
An:♡☆Okay,well I haven't updated this story in a real while....sorry about that. I had this planed out but a lot of things got in my way. Right now I'm kinda really confused in life,but I'll try to update the next chapter this weekend or next week. I know there isn't a lot of Claycy,but I'll make sure that the next part does. Sorry for any writing mistakes,I don't have time to re-read this.Thank you all so much for reading. Have an amazing day/night. Bye!!!☆♡

◇Word count:1389◇

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