Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Harry POV

She looked at the empty subway shop, I could see happy tears welling up in her eyes. “Do you like?” She looked up at me grinning. “Like it? I love it!” was her response as she wrapped her arms around my neck, and smashing her lips to mine. When we pulled away I wrapped my arm around her waist as I guided her inside the shop that Liam and Jenessa were nice enough to decorate. Alvanso walked out into view with a smirk on his lips.

“I thought you two were just friends.” Alvanso said sarcastically making air quotes.

“ Alvanso.” Brianna laughed speed walking to him and giving him a tight hug. They were good friends so I didn’t mind.

“Situate yourself down guy’s I’ll serve you your sandwiches I made. I hope you still are mrs plain jane.” Alvanso laughed walking to the back. Once he was out of view we situated our self down in the booth that we sat in 2 years ago.

 “I can’t believe you did this for me.” She said- her eyes scanning around the room, I could tell she was remembering the night. “Who would of known,”

“Known what?” Her eyes connected with mine.

“That being here would be the start of our relationship.”

“No.” She looked taken aback at my answer. “Meeting at Janie’s was the start of our relationship.” But, the having dinner here was a little push, I still remember that day like it was yesterday.


“Here?” I asked astonished at her dinner choice, I thought she will drag me to some expensive high class restaurant, not some fast food shop called subway.

“Yeah what’s the matter?” She shrugged as we entered the empty place. “Hey Alfanzo!” She called.

“Hey Brie.” The mid age man greeted. He looked at me eyes widening. “Is that, that boy who sings in the boy band group.” He pointed out. She put her fingers to his lips as too keep quiet. “Sorry.” He whispered.

“What do you want?” She asked me.

“You go first.” I say looking at the menu.

“The usual?” Alvanso asked Brianna. She nodded and he laughed. “She’s a lucky girl to have she’s plain Jane.” He laughed.

“Oh Al we aren’t together, we are just,” She paused and looked at me. “Friends.”

His mouth formed an ‘o’ as he prepared her sandwich- adding meat and cheese. “And for you?” He asked me, taking me out of my thoughts.

“Oh I’ll have a philly.” I responded

“What bread?” He inquired.

“Wheat.” After he prepared our sandwich we situated our self in the booth by the window.

“I thought you were the type-”

“Who likes going to fancy restaurants?” she finished my sentence. “Nah I don’t really care for fancy stuff, I’m happy with pizza or a burger.”

“My type of girl.” I winked, causing her cheeks to flush. “So lets start fresh again shall we? I didn’t really get to know you back there.”

“Sure,” she smiled taking a sip of her soft drink.

“I’m Harry- Harry Styles from the boy band One Direction.”I grinned, extending my hand out to shake hers.

“Brianna- Brianna Aguilera, a normal city girl.” She said grasping ahold of my hand shaking it. Her hand was so small compared to mine, but it fit perfectly.

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