the accident at Beach

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{ so right now I am planning to make 5 parts so I hope you enjoy this, back to the story}

Kai felt odd wearing no shirt. He looked around the beach. It was empty. But his teammates were making the most of it. Jay was it the water shocking Lloyd with lighting. Skylar and Nya were testing their powers on each other.Nya was throwing water at her from the sea and Skylar was deflecting it. Zane and Cole were watching them on the blankets. And yelling at them when they got wet. Wu, Misako, and Zane's father were sleeping on the Bounty. And Zane's hawk was flying around in the sky. Kai went to go join Lloyd  and Jay  in the water.''Come on Kai it nice''Yelled Jay before ducking under.Kai walked in slowly. ''Wacht out'' Yelled Jay. Kai ducked . You did the on purpose yelled Kai. Mabey yelled Jay. Kai shot fire. Jay ducked. This went on for hours.  The all of a sudden Lloyd yelled watch out .Jay ducked. But Kai was too slow .The power of Lloyd fireballs could kill someone.Then all of a sudden there was two screams one from Nya and one from Skylar.Then the world went black.

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