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"Cas, don't go, please, I-I can't, please."

Dean was begging, not even trying to be careful with his words, he was just being honest. A river of truth spilling out of his guts. Castiel grunted, clearly wanting to have the word.

"Dean, go."

Dean shook his head, a single tear falling down his left eye.

"Not like this, alright? Hell, I'd rather come crashing down with you, okay? I'm not going anywhere, I ain't leaving you goddamn it!"

Castiel's body stiffened up, he was trying to sit up in protest. "Dean! I said go! You must listen to me!"

Dean heard grunts outside too, and noticed Crowley's voice. They were fighting Ramiel, he could tell, and as much as Dean wanted to kill that son of a bitch, he couldn't. He couldn't leave Cas behind.

They were silent for a while, except the groans and the soft, muffled cry from Dean Winchester. He was holding onto his coat, his fists turning white along with Castiel's pale face. He began closing his eyes, slowly feeling himself flying.

"Hey, Cas, you gotta open your eyes, man, all right? You gotta stay awake. Talk to me, huh? Tell me about your brother, or-or things we've been through, huh? Our stupid fights? Come on, man."

Castiel grunted, this time softer.

"Thank you, thank you for everything, Dean. You and have changed me."

Dean realized what he was doing, but didn't have an option to prevent it from happening. While he was holding his angel, he realized how calm Castiel's body became, almost as if..

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"I love you."

Castiel closed his eyes, leaving Dean in panic. He shook, hit, everything to make Castiel open his blue eyes, anything. But Castiel didn't wake up. He was gone, Castiel was gone.

"I love you too."

Dean cried next to him, along with him came a bloody Sammy and a very hurt Mary. All three of them sat around the fallen angel, silently crying. Their hug was warm for sure, but not enough for Castiel, the fallen angel, their best friend, Dean's truest love, to wake up.

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