I walked out of the class , someone grabbed my wrist "what the hell" I turned around only to find the guy the gorgeous guy himself. Ryan just smirked and walked away.
I was walking to my next period when I ran into someone , it was a short girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hi" the girl said.
"Umm helllo" I replied
"So I see you have met mr.babdboy of the school"
"He is hot" we both laughed
"Who is your next period" I asked
"Social studies"
"Same" ,"let's go" ..."oh and what's your name again"
"Maria" we laughed.
The rest of the day went by slow , by the end of the day me and Maria went to my house.
"Oh my god you live in a fucking Mansion"
I laughed
"There is this party tonight wanna go" she asked.
"He'll yeah " we giggled
Maria and I went upstairs in my room.
"I will do your makeup and hair" Maria said.
She put my hair in beach waves and did my makeup.
I wore a red crop tank top with a leather jacket, leggings , and my white high top converse.
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aria wore shorts with a crop top and a flannel with black combat boots.
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After we were done getting ready we took some selfies on snapchat then we got in my car and left.