chapter one

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As I walked out the house, I have lived in forever, into the brisk cold Seattle weather. I had no idea where I would go! I had just recently broken up with my dick of an ex Caleb, so that was out of the question. I could go to my closest friend Meredith! But her house was a 30 minute drive! ugh better start walking.

It was close to sun down when I stopped to get food at this creepy looking diner. My brain was screaming "NONONONONO!" but my stomach was saying "YESYESYESYESYES!"

This diner obviously didn't know what the health code is for... but its cheap fast food, so I didnt challenge it. As I was eating this group of four guys walked in. They had tattoos everywhere! To be honest it was kinda hot. The one with brown curly hair and amazing emerald eyes winked at me and I instantly blushed, but it felt like more.

Before I could realize what was going on, he sat down at my booth.

"Hey love" the unnamed hot stranger said

"Um hi" oh goodness can I be more awkward? This hot British guy is talking to me and all I can do is stare at my plate? shoot me !

"Not to be rude but what happened to your face? oh by the way I'm Harry. Harry Styles."

I didn't even realize when my mom slapped me that it left a mark. My hand instantly went to my face, which hurt like hell!

"Oh I um um walked into a wall. And I'm Audrey Manning"

"I'm not stupid... just tell me!"

"My mom slapped me.." I can't believe I'm telling him this! I would never tell a stranger about my life.." but I totally deserved it."

that's when he grabbed my hands and leaned in and......


HI I'm Sabrina :) this is my first fanfic ever! so please message me and tell me what you think! thanks guys :)

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