V - Beast Babysitter

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The next week, Thursday...

Avia's POV

"Bye guys!"

"Just don't burn the place down while we're gone Beast Boy."

"Ok!" Raven wraps them in her cloak and they're gone. 

They had a late night mission and Beast Boy offered to stay home with me.

"Beast Boy?"


"How old are you?"

"14!" He replies with a gaudy smile.

"Does it count as babysitting if I'm the same age as you?" I ask.

"Uh...I guess not... It doesn't matter. My job is to keep you safe. And that's exactly what I'm going to do!" I sit on the grass and play around with it. Hood pulled, shielding my head from the sunlight.

"Raven told me that you don't like fighting." I shake my head.

"Not particularly."


"My home is a peaceful, benevolent place. We were raised and taught with pacifist ideals and our elders didn't condone violence." He looked at me confused. I roll my eyes.

"I was taught to not be violent." I dumb it down for him.

"Ooooooh. Well Raven doesn't seem to go that way. She hits me all the time."

"She was always quick to retaliate. But she never wanted to hurt innocents." I reply.

"So what do you like to do? I wanna get to know you if you're going to be staying here for a while."

I look at my cloak, then back at him.

"I dunno. I guess drawing. I really like animals." His eyes light up.

"Dude, I am totally your guy! What's your favorite animal?"

"I like birds."

"Go on." He sits like a philosopher. Hands pressed together, pointerfingers over his mouth and eyes narrowed. I chuckle a bit. He's funny.

"Maybe..." Not a dove, or a crow...Oh! "I remember seeing this bird when I first got to Earth. It was a vibrant purple and violet so it caught my eye almost instantly. I'm not sure which type it was though."

"Hmm...What do you remember about it?"

"Small, shaped like a robin sort of..."

"Where were you? Do you remember?"

"Africa. Definitely. It was in a wooded area."

"Did it look like...this?" He changes into the bird I saw almost exactly. The only difference is that it wasn't purple.

"Yes. I think that's it." He changes back.

"I think that's called a starling. Yours might have been an purple starling." He says.

"Wow, you know a lot about animals don't you?"

"Some say it's the only thing I know about."

"You're not that stupid." Now he's starry eyed. Whoops.

"Are you going to do that every time I'm nice to you?"

"Maybe." He says slyly. I groan and roll my eyes as I get up from the grass.

A little green starling lands on my shoulder as I walk back into the Tower. I laugh a little as he hops onto my head.

"I take it back. You are stupid." He chirps happily and Brazen makes a noise. Beast Boy doesn't seem to hear him though.

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